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"Nice to meet you Sam, I'm Colby." the stranger, Colby, says. I suddenly realise how cool his eyes are, a blue that seems to welcome me, happy yet energetic. "That's such a cool name, dude. By the way, your eyes are so cool." I reply to him, getting confident in my compliment.

Suddenly, I flinch as a hand is placed on my shoulder. "Samuel. Why didn't you follow me? You can't even do that right!?" the familiar voice says in my ear. Holly is angry, very angry. She spins me around, still grasping my shoulder. "Well!? What have you got to say for yourself!?" she says, a wild look in her eyes. She's clearly taken a couple more shots than I realised.

"Hey, you must be Sam's girlfriend. Sorry, it's my bad, I accidentally walked in front of him and he was just apologising." Colby steps in, coming to my aid as well as he can.

"No. Don't defend him. He doesnt deserve it. He's not worth anything more than a glance. Just keep walking." she returns, adamant on blaming this on me. Colby turns to me, confused on what to do. I give him a look that says to just leave it and he looks guilty before turning and walking away.

"See, not even your little hookup could stay to defend you. Worthless piece of crap." Holly smirks, tightening her grip on my shoulder.

"Oh my god, Holly, just leave it. He wasn't a 'hookup' I was apologising to him because I walked into him. Stop being so damn controlling already!" I shout at her, immediately regretting it. Her expression changes from a smug smirk to a very angry scowl. She slaps me, so hard to the point I fall back a couple steps. She pushes me and I fall to the floor, wincing as i hit my head.

People are stopping what they're doing to look over, a couple people looking ready to come to my aid, probably assuming I just fell as no-one was really looking, when Holly starts kicking me.

"Holly stop!!" I shout over the tears that are starting to fall. I see her grin, clearly enjoying this. Suddenly she falls back away from me, and I look up to see the bartender, Jake, standing next to where I'm on the ground.

He offers me a hand and I gratefully take it, using it to help pull myself up. Holly yells random nonsense and walks off somewhere.

"Holy shit, are you okay dude?" the bartender says, looking at me with a worried expression. I feel bad for him, he doesn't deserve to have to deal with me. I don't deserve help.

"Yeah bro, I'm good. Thanks for helping though, you didn't need to." I smile back at him. He looks at me like I was stupid, bringing a hand up to rest on my shoulder. "Dude, I would never let her do that. You seem cool, and I could tell even at the bar that she doesn't treat you right."

Colby takes a step towards us, reminding me he was still there. "Dude, I am so so sorry. That was completely my bad for keeping you." he rambles, an apologetic tone in his voice. I smile at how nice he's being about it.

"Nah bro, it's good. I probably would of had to deal with her when I got home anyway. Better when there's people around to help, right?" I reply, making sure that he should know not to blame himself.

I realise suddenly I'll have to make my own way home, and then deal with her when I get there. I voice this to Jake and Colby, starting to fidget with my hands from nerves. "No. There is no way I'm letting you go back home to that WITCH." Jake shouts, getting louder with each word.

"Woah dude, calm down Jake. But he's right, Sam. You can't go back. Not tonight at least. She needs time to sober up." Colby says, a lot calmer than Jake. I cast a confused glance at the two.

"You two know each other?" I say, surprised. "Well duhh, we live together bro." Jake replies, rolling his eyes. I gasp, looking between the two.

"Hey, why don't you come back to ours for the night? I promise we don't bite. Can't say the same for the others though." Colby laughs, looking at me with a warm smile.

I hestitate, considering I only just met them, but decide even being kidnapped and killed is better than going back to Holly. "Sure, thank you so much. Who are the others though?" I say quickly, before they change their minds.

"Our other roommates. Corey, Elton and Aaron." Colby answers, starting to pull out his phone. Once it's out, he dials a number, bringing the phone up to his ear.

He talks for a few minutes, before hanging up and turning to me. "The others are cool with it, you can
sleep in the spare room." he says, before grabbing a bag from the floor.

"WOOO YEAH PARTY!!" Jake shouts, getting hyped. Colby laughs, looking at him jumping about. "Brother, you do realise you need to finish your shift?" and with Colbys words, Jake stops jumping up and down, groaning.

"Okay. No need to spoil my fun," he says jokingly, "you's can hang by the bar until my shift ends. It's only about half an hour, and I can grab you a drink, Sam. Colby doesn't seem too wasted." I nod, following them as they walk back to the bar.

I think about the nights events, realising I just got beat up by Holly in front of so many people. I sigh, but drink the water that Jake hands to me and wait for his shift to end.

Don't you (forget about me) || Sam x ColbyWhere stories live. Discover now