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Things have been weird since me and Colby almost kissed. Glances that before were just friendly looks, turned into slightly prolonged stares at each others lips and body.

I didn't understand it.

I'm not gay. I have Holly.

Or do I? I don't know anymore. She hasn't contacted me or tried to find me, but Colby said she already came here to get me before I appeared.

I don't want to be with her. She traumatised me.

But she might hurt me more if I cheat on her.

I decide that since I have absolutely zero clue on what to do, I need to ask someone.

I decide Uncle Elton is the best idea, since he's old and wise. Older and wiser than the rest of us anyway.

I go to the garage door, where I know Elton will be. I knock on the door and push it open when I hear him shout to come in.

I can see him sitting on his couch scrolling on his phone, Circa at his feet.

"Hey, Sam. You okay?" he asks, smiling at me from behind his phone screen.

I sigh, gesturing to the couch which earns a nod from him. I sit down, looking at my fingers which are resting on my lap.

"I need some advice." I tell him, glancing up at his concerned face.

He shuts his phone off and puts it onto the sofa next to him. He nods again, urging me to continue on.

"So, the other day, me and Colby almost kissed after I told him what happened to me. Since then, we've been looking at each other longer and been slightly more flirty, but I've never liked a guy before and I don't know if it would be considered cheating on Holly."

He looks slightly surprised as I tell him this, but smiles softly.

"Obviously I don't have much experience in this situation, but I would say do what feels right. Whatever makes you happy. Holly was shit to you, and I don't even know most of the story. Nobody in this house will let her take you back. If you being happy means being with Colby romantically, go for it." he offers, rambling on a bit.

I feel bad that I never told Elton the full story, as he's the uncle of the house, but I can barely even talk about it to Colby.

I nod along at his words, smiling at him.

"Thank you, Elton. I promise I'll tell you more one day. It's too.. fresh. Right now. I mean I can't even think about it without breaking down. I'm sorry" I apologise, as he realises I genuinely feel bad.

He quickly shakes his head, putting his hand on my shoulder, being careful I saw him moving due to a situation from a couple days prior.

It was a couple days since I was back, and I had spent most of that time catching up on sleep and enjoying a steady food and drink income. I was sitting in the middle of Jake and Corey as they played Rocket League.

As Jake won another round, he started celebrating and grabbed my shoulder.

It was a light yet excited touch, but it reminded me so much of how, in the past, people touched me for their own pleasure.

I took a sharp breath in, my eyes widening as Jake continues celebrating and not paying attention to my body language.

My hands shake and my breath comes in short bursts, my head spinning and pounding with my heart racing.

All I can see is the faces of Holly, men in the alleyway,

my Dad.

I grip my hair, pulling and tugging at it, trying to focus on the pain. I hear Corey say my name, and Jakes excited touch turn into a worried one.

When I don't answer to Coreys pleas for me to answer him, he shouts for Colby as Jake gets on the ground in front of me, trying to get me to look at him.

I hear Colby run into the room, floor vibrating with his heavy and fast steps.

I feel the sofa dip next to me and Colby rub my back, speaking to me.

I don't hear what he says, but suddenly feel the strength to speak for a second.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!!" I shout, lifting my head slightly before curling up more.

"Please stop, I don't want this. Don't touch me anymore. Please." I mutter over and over again, pleading to the hands no longer on me.

This goes on for a while with Colby whispering to me and Jake sitting there looking guilty before my heart rate slows and I can take a deeper breath in.

"That's it, Sam. Well done. I'm so proud of you. Keep going. You're okay. I'm here. Nobody will hurt you." I can hear what Colbys whispering now.

I look up at Jakes ashamed expression, and offer him a smile to show it's okay.

"Can I hug you?" Colby asks from next to me as I think for a second and slowly nod, only to tense up as he wraps his hands around me. Colby notices this and loosens his grip a bit, letting me take control of what happens.

We stay like this for a while until I'm fully calmed down and able to talk about what triggered it.

After talking for a while, we come up with boundaries about touch.

Mainly, make sure you ask or make sure I can see you're going to touch me.

And stick to hugs or shoulder touches, and ruffling my hair if we're in a really good mood.

I'm so thankful to have friends that will help my boundaries.

Elton rubs at my shoulder for a second before speaking.

"Do not apologise for that, Sam. Talk to me about whatever, whenever. You don't need to tell me anything, and don't feel like you can't either. Okay?" he assures me.

I smile softly.

"Okay, uncle Elton."

1000 words exactly

im sorry ive not posted in a while ive literally barely had a second to myself and ive been dealing with the loss of a friend.

grief is difficult, but i enjoy writing because it takes my mind of it.

thanks for reading xx

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