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Things were difficult after I saw Colby. Holly was in a constant bad mood and blamed it on hormones or hangovers.

I hadn't left the house since I saw Colby.

The piece of paper with Colbys number was hidden in one of my shoes, as the sole bit inside was broken and could be lifted up.

I groan, lying on the living room floor, hating life. Bruises and cuts everywhere on my body.

I missed the trap house more than anything. I was safe there. In that house there was only playful arguing, wrestling as a joke instead of wrestling because Holly had a bad day and had a lot of pent up anger.

But most of all, I missed the comfort. I knew when I was there that if I needed someone or something, I would get it. No questions asked.

I missed the hugs I got whenever I was sad during my stay. The ones from Colby or Jake or literally anyone that made me feel secure.

I knew that if I went back it put them in danger though. I couldn't risk that. I couldn't be selfish.

Whenever I was sad I would turn the tv on, go to the spotify app and play the song that now reminds me of Colby. I found out it was 'Don't you (Forget About Me)' by Simple Minds.

An old song, but it's good.

It's Colby.

When I dream, and it isn't a nightmare, my head is full of scenarios that could be, if Holly wasn't the way she was.

Wishful imagines of me and the trap boys having fun, goofing off.

I knew in my heart though that it can't be, but there's a part of me that has hope.

I promised Colby I'd see him again.

I need to keep my promise.

"Samuel!!" Holly shouts, walking into the room.

I sit up, wincing at the pain throughout my body.

"Yes, darling?" with my answer she walks towards me, a wild look in her eyes and a smirk on her face.

"Why are you always here? Do you not love me enough to stay in our room with me?" she puts on a fake innocent and sad look, which I already feel bad for.

"Sorry, honey. I fall asleep through here. I didn't even think you would want me through there." I apologise quickly.

Her face twists to one of anger.

"You never think, do you. How stupid can one person be? Fucking idiot." she hisses, slapping me across the face.

She continues hitting me, until I'm shaking and bloody.

I see she left the front door open, and make my move.

I shove her onto the ground and away from me, before bolting up and towards the door. I grab my shoe on the way there.

I sprint out the door, and keep going before falling behind a bush.

I open the sole of my shoe, then pause.

The paper isn't there.


I must've grabbed the wrong shoe in my rush.

I'm such an idiot.

I look around, hoping to find somewhere I recognise, but see nothing I know.

I break down, curling up behind the bush in bare, bloody feet and my boxers with nothing else on but a ripped tank top.

I eventually calm down, before realising it's almost dark.

I decide to put my arms inside of my top to hopefully warm myself up, and move sticks away from where I would lie.

I curl up, closing my eyes and letting my body sleep.

The next morning, I wake up in even more pain than I already was. More small marks from miniture bits of nature that I had moved to lie on in my sleep.

I sigh, deciding I need somewhere to stay that isn't behind a bush.

I stand up and set off to adventure, picking up small coins and stuff I find on the way.

I check every vending machine and ATM there is for any bits of cash, and at one point I find a five dollar bill crumpled on the ground.

Thank god for rich LA people.

I constantly get weird stares, but I don't care. I keep walking.

By the time the sun has started it's descent into darkness, I find an abandoned building that's not in too bad shape.

I walk in, seeing graffiti everywhere and a lot of debris, but some bits of furniture, as well as old torn blankets that are probably from past homeless people.

Homeless. That's what I am now.

I settle onto a dusty couch, and pull the small plastic bag (luckily found outside a bank), full of the money I found today, out of the waistband of my boxers.

I count the money, finding out I had accumulated a little over 8 dollars.

Not bad.

I hide the bad under the couch cushion, and lie down under the best blanket I could find.

Sleep comes over me again, and while it was better than the sleep I got behind the bush, it still wasn't comfortable and definitely was difficult.

I groan, waking up to a weird feeling overcoming me, looking around to see it's pitch black outside.

My eyes adjust after a minute, so to my horror I can see a man, looking much worse than me, staring back at me.

I gasp, sitting up and pushing myself away from him.

"hey, hey kid. It's okay. I aint gonna hurt you." he speaks with a gruff voice, and an accent I can't quite figure out, but I recognise it. My brain just isn't working.

I feel my arms shaking as I stare at him.

"My name is Nate." He stands up slowly, raising his hands to show me he didn't mean harm.

"Sam." I reply quickly.

"Hey there, Sam. You new around here?" He asks, staying where he is with his hands up.

I nod.

"Okay, I can show you how to live like this. It's easy when you learn how. Got any money? That will help you."

I hesitate to answer, not knowing if he'll steal it.

"It's okay, man. I won't take it. You earned it." He laughs.

"uh- 8 dollars." I answer quietly.

"Oh! Not that much, but a start. It's okay, I'll show you the ropes. If you'll let me?"

He sticks his hand out and I slowly shake it.

"Okay dude, nice to meet you. I'm gonna go to the other room, and we will talk more in the morning.  Good night, Sam."

"Goodnight, Nate."

Don't you (forget about me) || Sam x ColbyWhere stories live. Discover now