My Ex wants me

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Bondita Sharma•23years•live in another city for her studies•just graduated •has a boyfriend•love her parents•One sweet bestfriend

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Bondita Sharma
•live in another city for her studies
•just graduated
•has a boyfriend
•love her parents
•One sweet bestfriend

Anirudh Roy Choudhary •24years•Ambivert•just graduated •Does't have any girl friends•Boys are his only friend•flirtatious •possessive

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Anirudh Roy Choudhary
•just graduated
•Does't have any girl friends
•Boys are his only friend

Bondita's life was quite simple with a sweet boyfriend until her ex showed up and revealed that he was still in love with Bondita.

Anirudh Roy Choudhary proposed to Bondita Sharma in their school days but broke up after a few days but didn't give any reasons to Bondita.

Now According to him, he wants Bondita back but is it possible because she already has a boyfriend who loves her a lot?


Introduction is done.


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