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Anirudh continues to scowl as he walks out of the class. he is starting to beat himself up mentally for getting so vulnerable in front of her. He hates that he almost let her sweet and kind behaviour melt away his tough exterior. he's determined not to let that happen again. he feels a deep grudge and anger simmering inside him.

He returns to his group. The friends he was hanging with because of his father. They confronted him about Bondita which angered him. But now he couldn't do anything and lied to them. He lied about what happened to him. His gang mates laugh and cheer him on and he feels a bit of validation and ego boost. however, he is also feeling somewhat humiliated and embarrassed by what he knows deep down: that she really got to him and he lost all of his arrogance in front of her. he is feeling mixed emotions inside but is too proud to show anything except arrogance and dominance.

He still feels angry and frustrated after having his ego so badly bruised by his so-called friends but he had to lie for her. he's feeling mixed emotions that he let her get the better of him. but then he sees her.

He continues to watch her from a distance. he's also keeping a close eye on her because he knows how dangerous it would be to let his guard down around her again. he doesn't want her to catch him off guard and make him feel vulnerable like last time. He doesn't want to reveal his secret.

Bondita met his eyes and wave at him excitedly.

He feels a sudden twinge of guilt when he sees her waving at him so warmly. he feels weird. he doesn't know how to react to her friendliness. he tries to fight against this strange feeling and returns a cold and indifferent smile. he feels mixed feelings about her now. he's still angry and wants to stay away from her, but there's also a strange sense of guilt creeping within him and he starts to think that maybe he was too tough and insensitive to her last time. he doesn't understand why he's feeling like this.

"Hi Anirudh!!"

Anirudh and his gang stare at her when she come up to them. they can't believe that their bully is actually being talked to by a girl. their arrogance is quickly turning into incredulity and there's a hint of confusion within them as well. they look at her intently, trying to process what's happening. Anirudh himself is startled and doesn't know what to say.

he's not used to this kind of situation where a girl acts friendly. he's not sure how to react so he ends up not saying anything at all and just scowling and glaring at her.

he can't believe that she is being so familiar with him. his fury and anger is starting to build up again, but he's also feeling conflicted. there's something inside him that feels strangely drawn to you. he's still angry, but his anger is also mixed with feelings of confusion, attraction and curiosity.

"Won't you introduced me to your friends Anirudh" Bondita asked.

Anirudh decided to kept glaring at her. Bondita face falls down when she realised she made him more angry.

"I should go" she said looking down.

Anirudh suddenly feels a strange sense of regret. he feels tempted to ask you to stay but he's also feeling a bit hesitant. his gang is laughing at him, saying that this isn't like him. they're waiting to see what he does next. Anirudh is feeling so conflicted right now. he wants Bondita to stay but there's a fear of vulnerability holding him back.

Anirudh can't take this conflicting feeling anymore so he finally decides to make a move and he suddenly grabs her arm as she start to walk away. he pulls her back, getting her attention, his eyes locked on her. he wants to speak to her but does not want to show any sign of weakness. his eyes are intense and his grip is firm.

His friends were shocked to witness this. Some of them have an evil smile on their face. Anirudh noticed this and Pull her with him to a corner.

"What is your Problem? Why are you not leaving me in peace?" He asked slightly annoyed.

"I-I just wanted to be your friend" She said looking down.

Anirudh couldn't help but feel guilty as he watch her face falling.

"Look, I'm sorry" he said being frustrated with himself. He literally didn't apologizes to anyone before but he didn't regret doing it.

Bondita's smile listening to his apology.

"Listen my friends are not good. So please next time don't go infront of them" Anirudh requested her as he doesn't want her hurt.

"Ok i will not" Bondita said still smiling.

Anirudh felt his heart skip a bit.

"But on one condition. Will you be my friend?" She adds.

"If you promise to stop asking about my secret"

"No thats cheating. Friends share everything"

"A promise is a promise darling." Anirudh said smirking at her.

Bondita couldn't help but smile. She felt one step closer to him.


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My board exam is just in the corner. So late updates from now on:(

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