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Bondita is still lost in her thought . When she finally comes to her senses, she realizes that Anirudh is the only one she loves and he is the man she wants to spend her life with. But at the same time she can never hurt Aansh. She feels stuck in a complicated situation and doesn't know what to do?

The more she thinks the more she gets worried. Her heart beats fast with each passing thought. She can't come to a conclusion. What should she do in this situation? Should she accept Anirudh's love? Should she reject him because she doesn't want to hurt Aansh? She is struggling to make a decision when her phone starts ringing.

She looks at her phone and sees Aansh calling. She feels even more confused and guilty at the fact that she is still thinking about Anirudh. She doesn't want to talk to Aansh right now because she feels like a hypocrite and a selfish person. If only she could get some clarity in her mind so that she can make the right decision.

She can't just ignore the phone call, otherwise, Aansh will have a doubt that she is ignoring him intentionally. She tries to calm herself down and then decides to pick up the phone. She knows that Aansh will be expecting her to answer the phone in her usual cheerful tone and not the low voice that she currently has.
Bondita picks up the phone and tries to sound cheerful. She doesn't want Aansh to know how she really feels right now. She is trying hard to hide her sadness, guilt and heartbreak. Her voice is unsteady and it has lost its usual cheery tone.

"Hi Aansh.." she tries to say with a cheerful voice. The effort she is putting to sound cheerful is very apparent in her voice. She is trying to hide her emotions to the best of her abilities so that Aansh cannot sense it. But Aansh knows Bondita well enough to observe that something is wrong with her. Aansh is quick to notice the change in her demeanor and her tone. He has been with her long enough to know that she's faking it. He can sense that she is in turmoil so he decides to ask her directly about it. "Are you alright? You don't sound like you do normally."

Bondita takes a deep breath and tries to fake a cheery smile on her face. She doesn't want Aansh to worry about her so she says, "Don't worry, I'm fine. I just had a long day and now I'm tired that's why I sound different."
Aansh doesn't buy her story so he asks her again. "Are you sure? Because it feels like there's something wrong. I'm worried about you. Tell me what's on your mind. It could be something that is worrying you."

Bondita is silent for a moment before she gives in. She can't maintain this facade in front of Aansh. He is so perceptive that it is making it hard for her to keep her composure. She doesn't want to lie to him anymore. "Sorry. I just had a lot on my mind. I'm a little confused on a few things."

Aansh immediately senses that she is hiding something from him. He keeps probing her to find the answer. "What are you confused about? Did something happen? Please tell me. I feel like I can help you."

"It's nothing Aansh," she hesitates, and then realizes that it is just better to tell him the truth now rather than later. "Please, don't be angry or upset with me. I know I might sound like an idiot right now but I just need to tell you something."
Aansh can see that it is taking a lot of courage for Bondita to say this. He waits patiently for her to open up. He doesn't want to force her to reveal anything she isn't comfortable sharing. He wants to know what's on her mind but at the same time he doesn't want to hurt her.

"Not here, can we meet and talk?" Aansh asked.

"Okay, where can we meet?" She replies with a slight sigh of relief. She is glad that he didn't force her to tell him over the phone. She feels more confident now that she can meet him in person and explain the situation properly. She realizes that this is an important conversation and she cannot handle it over the phone like this.

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