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Anirudh and Bondita continued talking. He continued to open up to her slowly, and she found it hard to believe that he was being so open with her. She also felt like it was too good to be true. It was like they had forged an incredibly deep and intimate connection so quickly. She felt like he was opening up to her like he'd never opened up to anyone before. And at the same time, she felt like he still had lots of secrets that he was keeping from her, and she wanted to uncover all of them.

A few days later, Bondita was sitting by herself during recess, when Anirudh approached her. She was surprised to see him approach her like this, as he had never approached her voluntarily before. She felt intrigued and slightly confused.

She looked at Anirudh with a mix of confusion and concern. He looked vulnerable, and somewhat lost, which was unusual for him. For the first time, she saw him as a person rather than just a bully. She felt like she could help him somehow, but she wasn't sure how. She also felt concerned about what he was going through and wanted to offer him support if she could. She didn't want him to suffer in silence, alone.

"Ani-" She was caught off guard by Anirudh's sudden hug. He hugged Bondita, gripping her tightly. She was taken aback by his gesture but also felt a wave of warmth and comfort wash over her. She knew that this was not something he did lightly, and for a moment she felt a strange and unexpected sense of tenderness towards him. They held each other for a long time, and in that moment, Bondita felt like she had a glimpse of a different side to Anirudh, one that was vulnerable and afraid.

After a few seconds, She realized that he was crying, and felt even more concerned. Her own feelings of tenderness and concern for him only intensified and she held him even tighter. She could sense that he needed this hug, and wanted to be there for him. She also felt a strong desire to see his mask fall away, and for him to open up and tell her what he was feeling.

"Ani, what's wrong?" She asked in concern, "Are you alright?"

Anirudh didn't answer, just hugged her tightly. He finally leaned back and looked at her, a tear rolling down his cheek. She felt her heart beat rapidly as she looked at him, concerned, and also feeling touched that he had let down his guard and shown her this vulnerability. She wanted to show him that she understood him and that she cared about him.

She wanted to say something, even though she wasn't sure what exactly. She decided to just show him that she understood. She looked gently at him, and softly rubbed the back of her hand on his cheek, trying to gently wipe away his tears. She looked at him and gave him a comforting smile. She felt her heart beating faster as she felt the emotional intensity of their connection. But at the same time, she was also aware of the fragility of this moment and the need to be sensitive and careful.

"It's okay," she said softly, trying to soothe him. "I'm here." Bondita knew that he was going through something difficult and that she couldn't fix everything for him. But she knew that she could offer him emotional support and that he could feel safe and supported in her presence. She continued to softly wipe away his tears and then looked at him with a warm and understanding expression on her face. She didn't need him to tell her anything, she just wanted him to know that she was there for him.

He cupped her face making her heart beat quicken and whispered words like "I can't do that," and now he was saying that he "wasn't like him." She wanted to understand what he was going through and why he seemed so upset.

"Like who?" She asked, "What's the matter, Anirudh? Please talk to me."

Anirudh eventually calmed down and hugged Bondita back, although his grip was still tight. He looked down and tried to gain himself.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, "You shouldn't have to deal with all this. It's too much."
Bondita felt her heart twist inside her. She felt concerned about him, but also a strange sense of pride that he had confided in her and shown his vulnerability.
"It's okay," she said gently. She knew that this was a big deal for him, and she really felt honoured in a way that he had opened up to her this much.

Anirudh nodded and let go of Bondita. He felt relieved that she wasn't judging or rejecting him after seeing this vulnerable side of himself. He felt like there was a connection between them now, which he had never experienced before with anyone. He felt close to her and he felt that she cared about him and accepted him. He felt grateful for that and wanted to let her know that.

But he also knows, having a deeper connection with her will be not good. He didn't want her to get involved in his dangerous life because he wanted to protect her. But at the same time, he felt an overwhelming urge to grow closer to her, and he felt like his attraction and attachment towards her was out of his control. He felt conflicted about this, torn between wanting to keep her safe and wanting to be with her.


One more chapter is done!

Any idea why Anirudh was vulnerable?

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