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Bondita felt the guy eyes on her as she left. But instead of feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed by this, she felt a strange sense of pride and a sense of connection with the guy. For a moment, she felt like she could see through his mask of coldness and indifference. In that brief interaction, she had felt a connection and openness with him that she had not felt in a long time.

But she knew that there was something more to the guy than meets the eye. She felt like there was a secret that he was hiding, a deep pain or fear that she couldn't yet put into words. She was tempted to approach him again to see if she could get him to open up more about himself, but she was also hesitant due to his aggressive and dismissive attitude towards her earlier.

The guy suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when he realized that Bondita had stopped in the hallway, and was looking back at him with a look on her face that was difficult to read. He quickly adjusted his expression, trying not to show any hint of vulnerability. He was also unsure of what her expression meant, and whether or not she was going to come over and speak to him again. He felt like there was something left unsaid between them, and he wanted to maintain his cool and detachment in order to keep his secret.

Bondita approached the guy again,
"You can atleast tell me your name?" She asked smiling.

"My name....?" You don't need to know my name," the guy responded, attempting to hide his surprise and awkwardness at her sudden return. He didn't want to reveal his name since it would be a clue that she could use to learn more about him.

"Come on, just your first name," she responded, "I can't keep calling you 'the guy' all day, right?" She chuckled lightly, attempting to get the guy to loosen up and be more relaxed with her.

"You're a pretty persistent woman," the guy said, shaking his head and smiling slightly in spite of himself, "But the truth is that I don't want to give you my name, because that would involve me sharing more information about my life. And as I've already told you, I don't need people prying into my personal affairs."

"Alright, I get it," Bondita said, "I'm also pretty private about myself. I'm not going to force you to tell me your name." She said looking down and started to walk towards the exit but stoped when she heard his voice.



"My name is Anirudh" Bondita smiled looking at him. "And that's all you're going to get from me." He looked at her boldly, challenging her to ask for anything else.

"Fine, I'll take what little you've given me for now," she said confidently and walks away.

Anirudh watched her walk away, and felt slightly disappointed, he felt a sudden urge to say something to her to keep her talking, but he held back. He decided to let her go, for now.


Bondita's Pov

The next day, I decided to get to class a little bit early in order to try and run into the Anirudh again before class started. She was feeling more curious and motivated to get to know him better, and was hoping to have another chance to break through his mask of coldness. I waited outside the classroom with the hopes of seeing him arrive and getting a better opportunity to speak with him.

I noticed that other students began arriving as well. I saw some familiar faces, and recognized several of my classmates from the introduction class yesterday. I was still focused on the door, hoping to see the him arrive, and wondering how I could approach him this time. I was thinking about how to break through his cold exterior and get him to be more open and talkative.

I felt a little bit anxious as time passed, and he still didn't show up. I began to worry that maybe he wasn't going to show up at all, and I wouldn't get the chance to approach him again. The moment I started to doubt myself, I heard the sound of footsteps approaching. I turned to see him walking towards me, looking very serious and determined.

I quickly gathered myself as Anirudh came towards me. I took a deep breath and tried to stay calm in order to have a more mature and confident approach this time. He finally arrived in front of me, and we exchanged a few moments of intense eye contact. I couldn't help but feel a little bit intimidated by his cold stare and confident demeanor.

"What are you doing here?," Anirudh asked in a harsh and confrontational tone, as he stood in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest. His expression was cold and determined, like he was ready to fight.

"A-anirudh? Are you okay?" I asked, feeling something wrong.

Author pov

Anirudh was taken aback by her sudden and seemingly innocent question, and hesitated before answering. "Why are you asking if I'm okay?" he snapped, still looking at her with a serious and intense stare.

Anirudh paused for a moment, looking at her sad expression. There was a hint of appreciation in his eyes. But he quickly brushed the expression away and replied with a dismissive tone. "Why would you ask that? Everything's fine," he said.

"You don't seem fine at all," she replied, maintaining eye contact with him. "You seem very upset and angry, like something's wrong." He didn't say anything for a moment, he just stared back at her with that same cold and aloof look on his face. Bondita felt like she was close to getting through his defenses, but she felt like there was still a lot more to uncover about him. She kept her tone of voice level and calm, not wanting to trigger his anger again.

He let out a deep sigh, and for a moment his cold mask seemed to crack slightly. He glanced away for a moment, almost as if he was considering taking the chance to open up to her. But then, he quickly shook his head and looked back at her, his expression becoming distant and detached again. "Look" he said, his tone becoming sharper again, "There's nothing wrong with me. I'm just tired, that's all."

He didn't wait for her to respond, and walked away into the classroom. Bondita didn't want him to go, she wanted to keep talking to him. She watched him disappear inside the classroom.


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