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Author pov

The world seemed to slow down as she heard the last few words. Bondita froze in her tracks, the tears were rolling down her cheeks but she was too shocked to react. His words echoed in her mind. "He said he loved her." Her heart skipped a beat, she couldn't process what he had just confessed to her.

"Stop lying!'' Bondita shouted back at him.

"I'm not lying!" he tried to keep his voice steady, but the adrenaline rush from the confession wasn't letting him do that. He desperately wanted her to believe him, but she seemed too shocked to comprehend the situation.

"I have always loved you Bondita, you've no idea how long I've wanted to tell you this," he exclaimed, his voice was full of emotion. He couldn't believe that she had never realized it before.

Hearing those words made her feel so many things at the same time. She was overwhelmed with so many emotions that she didn't even know where to begin. Her heart was beating out of her chest, she wanted to believe him...and on some level she did, but she couldn't seem to get her thoughts sorted out...

"ANIRUDH! YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND REMEMBER!!!" She shouted at him loudly holding the collar of his short

It was the first time she had ever shouted at him, her voice was loud but even she couldn't hear herself over the thump of her heart. She was angry now, he had been toying with her emotions this whole time, and she fell for it every single time. But his expression broke her anger, he seemed genuinely shocked and confused. "What are you talking about? I am not dating anyone."

she didn't know what to make of this...had she heard it correctly? He was claiming that he didn't have a girlfriend. It just didn't make any sense. "Are you kidding me?? I saw you with Myra, she was hanging all over you...what was that if not flirting? Don't try lying to me again, I know you're dating Myra," she screamed at him.

"You're not listening to me." he protested, but she was still too angry to hear him out. She was so tired of feeling like he was playing with her feelings, and the sight of him with Myra had just fueled her anger further. "It's not what it looked like," he said, but she didn't believe him.

She was so angry now, she didn't want to listen to any of his excuses. "Stop lying to me." she exclaimed loudly "How many times have we been through this? You keep acting like you're single, then you casually flirt with other girls in front of me, and then you refuse to accept when I get upset with you. You're such a jerk!"

He was beginning to lose his patience. He had never seen her this mad before, and the sight of her yelling at him made him defensive. He wanted to explain the situation, but she wasn't letting him.

''I just want to see your reaction!" He finally explained

She didn't respond right away, his explanation caught her off-guard. "You-you mean..." she stuttered, "This whole thing was just...a trick?"

"Yeah," he replied bluntly, "I knew you were avoiding me, but I couldn't bear it. When I couldn't figure out why you were acting that way, I decided to make you jealous. I had no idea it would affect you this much though."

The thought of him making her jealous on purpose made her even more pissed. "Are you seriously telling me that you were flirting with the popular girl to make me jealous?"

"And did you think it was funny?" she asked, "Did you think it was a joke to make me jealous like that? Do you have any idea how bad that made me feel?"

"Why do you feel bad Bondu tell me?" He asked pulling her closer to him.

Her heart skipped a beat as his strong arms pulled her closer to him, the feeling was too overwhelming to process. She wanted to yell at him, but she couldn't form her thoughts properly. Her stomach started turning over, and she felt a rush of nervousness.
This wasn't the first time he had pulled her close to him, but this time it felt different...he wasn't letting go.
"I-It made me feel like I wasn't good enough," she mumbled, "And to see you flirting with another girl in front of hurt."

"Why it hurts?"

"It hurts to see you with another girl...especially one who isn't me." Her voice was shaky, and she didn't know how to explain the intense feeling she was feeling. She wanted to tell him that she cared for him, but those words were stuck in her throat.


"Because I...because I..." she sighed, it was clear she didn't know how to explain the complex emotions she was feeling at the moment. She took his hands in hers and looked up at him, she was hoping to catch him staring back at her.

He didn't break his gaze. Something happened when she took his hands in hers, his grip tightened and the spark between them became noticeable. They weren't just two friends anymore, they were something more, and she could feel it. She could see it in his eyes, that thing they had for each other was so powerful, so undeniable.

"Because you what Bondita? Please say it."

"Because I..." their eyes locked and the connection between them felt like it was electrifying, a sudden urge surged inside her to tell him...she needed to say the words. "Because...I love you," she blurted out finally. "I have loved you alway---"

Her eyes widened in surprise as his lips crashed into hers, she had been wanting him to do that the moment she set eyes on him today. The moment he kissed her, she realized how much she had missed him. His fingers tangled in her hair as he kissed her passionately. There was so much emotion packed into one simple kiss, they had never kissed and it was deep, intense and...perfect.

She could feel her heartbeat quickening as he pulled her even closer, his lips never leaving hers. She was overwhelmed with a flurry of Emotions, she had never felt this way before. Her hands were tangled in his hair, their bodies pressed against each other, as though they were one. She gave in to him completely, the feeling of his arms around her was comforting. She wanted this moment to last forever.

Finally, he pulled away and searched her eyes, his lips were still twitching with the after-effect of the kiss. All she could do was stare at him, she couldn't believe this was happening. He seemed just as shocked as she was, he was probably feeling the same emotions. His fingers ran through her hair as he looked at her. She felt so loved in his arms, and for the first time, she didn't want to let go.

The End.

☁️⋅♡𓂃 ִֶָ☾. ๋࣭ ⭑⚝.

One more story is completed.

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Till then,


Love from Author <3

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