My allegiance goes to my King

36 1 0

Music: desperate decision - Aleksey Chistilin
The Other Side - Ruelle


My eyes fluttered open, feeling the soft sheets enlacing my body, my fingers touching the soft texture of the duvet. I felt heavy on the mattress, squinting my eyes, feeling comfortable in the warm embrace of the covers. 

But the relief was short-lived as I heard an abrupt noise and spotted Thranduil sitting on a chair, in the subdued light of our chamber, radiating an air of pure authority. 

His silver-blond hair cascaded down his shoulders, a striking contrast to the rich, forest-green robes that draped his form. His piercing blue eyes, both cold and calculating, surveyed me intently.

God how scary can he be...

His posture was one of languid ease, his lean frame gracefully arranged on the chair. His hands, adorned with elegant rings, one hand rested on the armrest, the other gently cradling a goblet filled with the finest wine. His fingers traced the delicate patterns on the goblet, a testament to the craftsmanship of his people.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare at someone sleeping?" I finally ask him, breaking the silence, visibly annoyed, sending him a glare that could redirect him to the heavens. 

However, his lack of answer and eerie silence made me uneasy, I shifted under the covers as if hiding and observed him from afar. 

I finally let out an impatient sigh, "If you continue down this path you will die of alcoholism" pointing at the silver goblet in his hand grimacing.

"Don't you know it's rude to speak to your King that way" his usual stoicness came back, boredom plastered on his flawless face. "I'm an elf,  alcohol does not affect me like a mere human" he scoffed rolling his eyes, the nerve of him really, his audacity will always bewilder me.

I knew it was too good to be true, his warmth, gentle words, his care, were all lies.

"Rectification, Your grace" I replied rudely, "I am being rude towards my husband", I retorted sarcastically, his eyes glued on me, an unfamiliarity to which I am not used.

He smiled, but it was a sickening smile, "Correction, I am 'theoretically' your husband" he stated as a matter of fact seriously, his gaze wandering into space.

What did he mean by that?

Wait. where is his ring ?

I laughed nervously tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as if waving off the uncomfortable thoughts running through my mind at his statement.

Damn he really changes mood like I could change dresses.

"Why do you have to make that dead face, am I that much of a disappointment as your wife ?" I joked but the lack of answer made me uncomfortable.

"Come here" he ordered, I lifted my eyebrow in defiance, the struggle between my loyalty towards him and my anger played out silently in my thoughts.

"No," I frowned, the doubt dancing in my eyes for a second, 

What if I am not enough? 

Where is his ring ?

But he lied from the beginning Alysanne, you were just stupid.

Seeing my lack of answer he titled his head to the side, "You refuse an order from your king?" he inquired in a menacing voice.

But I replied swiftly, "You refuse to answer your Queen?" I chuckled sending him the dirtiest look I have. His hands turned into fists, white knuckles visible on the armrest, I smirked.

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