Chapter 4 - Made It Through the Maze

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Author's Note: They return to Kamino, meet Omega, and Hunter makes some admissions. :)

~ Amina Gila

Hunter stays in the gunner's mount until they exit from hyperspace, and yes, he's hiding, and they all know it, but he doesn't care. He needs to process and plan and prepare for his return to Kamino. That, more than anything, he is not ready for. When the Marauder finally jolts, and Tech calls back to them, Hunter reluctantly unfolds from his hiding spot and crosses to pick up his helmet before heading up to the front, settling into a seat opposite Crosshair.

The sniper's eyes follow him, and Hunter risks looking at him, taking a second to just stare, rememorizing the features and face that he knows better than his own, the tightening around his eyes betraying his concern, though the rest of his expression gives away nothing. He merely flicks the toothpick in his mouth around, not looking away. It's Hunter who looks away first, crossing his arms self-consciously. He's gotten too used to not having Crosshair around, too used to not having the assessing, probing stare on him, searching out his weaknesses, whether for better or worse. He's also gotten used to not having the silent comfort of Crosshair's presence at times when he struggles. That, he misses acutely when he thinks of it.

But emotions are something that were stomped out of them when they were little, and any displays of affection beyond a brief shoulder pat or the like were crushed down, nearly eliminated. Only Wrecker remains unaffected by their training; he's still readily willing to wrap any of his brothers – or sister – in a crushing hug if he so much as feels like it. Sometimes, though, despite his training, Hunter wishes... things could be different.

Or maybe it's just Omega's influence talking. She was always very affectionate, and she hugged him many times. He'd even reciprocated, albeit briefly.

(... Right now, he really wants a hug.)

He buries that thought well, though, dismissing it entirely, and ignoring the conversation between the others as Tech pilots the Marauder to the surface. Their clearance codes are requested, and Hunter can't help but tense at that, because yes, it happened last time, and he knows, logically, that they'll be fine. Still, that doesn't stop the irrational fear from rising that the regs will realize they don't belong here, that they're intruders, or that he's an intruder at least, a threat to be neutralized.

He doesn't even realize that he's clenching his upper arms so tightly until he hears Crosshair pointedly clear his throat. "Echo told us what you said," the sniper says casually, "About an empire forming."

"You don't believe it?" Hunter guesses.

Crosshair lazily shrugs one shoulder. "You certainly believe it. Would it even matter, really, if it was an empire instead of a republic?" There's a hint of cynicism in his voice, but it's the words that make Hunter stiffen, because it's so much the seeming mentality that Crosshair displayed in Hunter's memories.

"Of course, it matters," he almost snaps. "The Jedi were destroyed. The regs would have killed the Jedi kid on Kaller. They may even have done so after we left." He hopes not, and doubts it a little, but still.

Crosshair tilts his head. "It is suspect," he agrees. "We don't have enough evidence to judge."

Hunter opens his mouth, but then closes it, remembering. Crosshair hasn't seen what he has, and the mere fact that he's agreeing settles something inside of him.

It's not until after Tech is guiding the Marauder to land in the hangar that it dawns on Hunter the reason behind Crosshair's comments. He was trying to distract him, seeing the way he was stressing as they got closer. A wave of fondness and despair washes over him, stealing his breath and making him nearly lose control of himself.

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