Chapter 6 - And Now You're Just a Page

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Author's Note: The boys are sent to Onderon... but they don't go alone. ;)

~ Amina Gila

They're all on their feet when Tarkin gets there, all evidence of anything having been amiss tucked away and hidden for later. Just to be certain that nothing is visible on his face, Hunter slides his helmet on, just as the door slides open, an override code having been used which – rude. But it's also disturbing. And maybe it's a power display on Tarkin's part, reminding them that he's in charge.

Tarkin strides casually inside, flanked by two shock troopers, and they all snap to attention. "That was quite an impressive display," he comments, looking around their barracks.

"It's not like you gave us a choice," Crosshair drawls, before Hunter can so much as get his mouth open and brain in order enough to respond.

"Our new empire may have methods which seem a bit unorthodox, but so does this squadron. Both certainly have their merits. Nala Se speaks quite highly of her five enhanced clones. She claims you're more capable than an army." There's the same arrogant superiority in Tarkin's voice that Hunter remembers. His fingers twitch, and he aches to reach for his blaster and shoot the man in the head. He won't, of course, but he wants to. Tarkin knew about whatever Hemlock was doing. He knew about the torture that Crosshair must have faced – and that thought sends a surge of familiar protectiveness through Hunter. He knew about whatever Omega's fate would be – and that thought fills him with dread, no matter how much he tries to dispel it.

"Mission for us?" Hunter asks, "Sir." It's not lost on anyone that the 'sir' was a belated addition.

Tarkin paces around a few more steps, tilting his head to stare down his nose at Hunter. Definitely not a fan of clones. I would kill you with my bare hands if I could get away with it. It's not a risk worth taking, but he can still dream.

"Indeed. We have tracked a group of insurgents to the Onderon sector. They must be dealt with."

Oh, here it comes.

"What sort of insurgents?" he queries, because it's expected of him.

"Separatist forces intent on keeping the galaxy at war," Tarkin answers. "If you neutralize this grave threat, you will be looked upon most favorably as I assess the needs of the Imperial Army."

Mmhmm. Sure. He totally believes that. Even now, Hunter remembers what he'd said to Crosshair on Kamino when they were trying to escape – "All you'll ever be to them is a number." He knows they will be, and he's not going to let his squad end up in such a situation.

Thankfully, Tarkin exits after that, leaving them alone to plan and prepare for their mission. It's the middle of the night cycle now, and Hunter is exhausted, but he doesn't know if he'll be able to sleep, either. Certainly, he's more focused on their next actions than anything else, but his thoughts and fears of earlier are still lingering. And he's certain that his brothers will have questions about what he'd said. He regrets saying it now, because it's not something any of them need to know; Crosshair will insist on carrying that guilt like he already did those things, and it won't be productive for any of them.

Kriff, he's just making things more of a mess, isn't he?

Once Tarkin and the shock troopers are far enough away, Hunter turns to the others. "We won't be coming back," he tells them, "So we had best make the most of this. Take whatever you want to keep. Stock up on weapons and equipment. Omega should meet us in the hangar to see us off."

"Why?" asks Echo. "What's going to happen on Onderon? That... is the mission you mentioned, isn't it?"

Hunter nods. "The 'insurgents' are a rebel cell that were trained by the Republic and who aren't thrilled with the Empire. Over half of them are civilians: elderly people and children. Tech, see what you can find. Wrecker, Crosshair, restock from the armory. Echo, you and I can take whatever of our belongings we want to the Marauder. Let's move."

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