Chapter 21 - Like Nothing Ever Made

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Author's Note: Ahhhh I can't believe we're almost done! Hunter finally tells his family everything. :D

~ Amina Gila

Tech has Crosshair and Wrecker transferred to the Marauder almost immediately. Echo helps them, as does Kix since he's a medic. Omega glues herself to Hunter's side, following him everywhere, and he's so relieved to have her here, just within arm's reach. The ship smells a little different now, and it's weird. More like Omega and Echo, and less like them. There's the scent of other, unfamiliar people in here, too, and he doesn't really like it. But then, they have been gone for several weeks.

Wrecker is operated on first, and Hunter ends up being kicked off the Marauder, left to pace outside, Omega sitting on the ramp, watching his every move as if he might disappear in front of her. He can't help or deny the fear that something could go wrong. It nearly happened last time – his vitals took a long time to stabilize, and Tech theorized it had to do with the way his chip was active, unlike the rest of them. Besides, brain surgeries are always very tricky. Reminding himself that Tech and Kix, a trained medic, are both there, does little to help.

But it goes well, and they do Crosshair next.

That... is much trickier. It turns out that because of Crosshair's enhanced eyesight, his brain structure is a little different, and they almost end up giving up, but AZI is finally able to perform a successful extraction. They ended up discussing it amongst themselves, trying to decide what Crosshair would want them to do, because going through with it, after they realized the problem, posed a very real risk of causing inadvertent damage to his occipital lobe – which would, by default, damage his eyesight.

They went through with it, and thankfully, it went well. Hunter went next, and the last thing he remembers feeling is Omega clinging to his hand as the anesthetic was injected into him.

When Hunter wakes up, an hour has passed. Wrecker has woken up already, and Omega is curled in his lap, his arms wrapped around her. They look so peaceful there, at his bedside. He pushes himself upright slowly, waiting as the wave of dizziness passes. In an instant, Omega perks up, smiling. It warms his heart to see her happiness, knowing how miserable she's been since she lost them.

"You're awake," she chirps brightly, and her voice brings Echo to the room. He offers Hunter a glass of water which he downs gratefully.

"How do you feel?" Echo queries, and he pauses to assess himself.

"I'm fine," he answers, glancing around. "The others?"

"Crosshair went out," Wrecker answers, something flickering across his face. "I – uh, I don't think he's handling it well." Yeah, no surprise there. He doubts any of them are. "Tech's not awake yet."

Hunter blows out a breath, running a hand over his face. "Where's Rex?"

"He's with Dogma," Echo replies, pausing. "The other clone who came with us. They're dealing with Howzer and the new recruits."

Omega brightens even further. "We rescued him from Zygerrian slavers," she tells Hunter, gesturing to her bow which is lying nearby on a crate. "That's where I got that."

He huffs out a laugh, despite himself. "I guess some things are meant to be," he says dryly. "You got one in my time, too. Just... differently."

"Rex wanted to talk to you when you woke up," Echo tells him. "I can take you to him now, if you want."

Probably best to get it over with. Hunter needs to thank him for watching over Omega when he couldn't. And once Tech is up, he needs to talk to his squad. They need to sort things out and figure out what to do. And... he owes them the truth. About everything.

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