Chapter 9 - When the More It Heals

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Author's Note: Hunter tries talking to Crosshair. It doesn't go well.

~ Amina Gila

Hunter and Rex are on the way back to the homestead when Hunter hears the movement and the snarling of an animal. His instincts kick in, and he picks up his pace, pushing through the plants towards the noise, intent on neutralizing whatever the threat may be. His heart skips a beat when he steps onto the path to see a nexu prowling closer to a frozen, terrified Omega, who is holding a ball, staring at the predator with wide eyes.


This happened last time, too, didn't it?

He doesn't even think as he launches himself between Omega and the nexu, drawing his vibroblade and brandishing it. Behind him, he can hear Shaeeah and Jek calling their mother, while Rex hesitates, ready to attack, but undoubtedly unwilling to do so, lest it prompt the beast to attack Hunter.

A rifle fires, once, the blaster bolt going straight through one of the nexu's eyes. It howls, jerking, going down hard, and Hunter glances back towards the homestead to see Crosshair standing on the roof, rifle raised and aimed. Of course. Only he could have made such a quick, precise kill shot.

Still, he backs away from the nexu carefully, keeping himself between it and Omega, listening as its heartbeat slows and stops, ushering her back through the fence. "Are you okay?" he asks, rounding on Omega the second they're safe, sliding the vibroblade back into its sheath and dropping to one knee in front of her. He's frantic with worry, the fear of you could have just lost her hammering through him, but he knows how to deal with her now, without acting on that fear.

"I – I'm sorry," she stutters, still wide-eyed and terrified. "I – I was trying to get the ball. I –"

Hunter grips her shoulders. "You're safe," he says firmly, pulling her into his arms and holding her close. "That's all that matters, kid." He meets his brothers' eyes over Omega's head. None of them seem to know how to react, but Rex, Echo, and Cut seem the most approving. Tech and Wrecker are anxious and uncertain, which isn't surprising given that they don't know how to handle a child yet. But they'll figure it out again. Together.

He glances back to the homestead, spotting Crosshair sitting perched precariously on the roof, leaning on his rifle. His helmet is on so Hunter can't read his face, but he doesn't seem to have any intention of coming down. Inside him, the Crosshair-shaped hole twists, sending aching longing spearing through him, almost sharp enough to take his breath away.

"You okay, kid?" Wrecker asks finally, uncertainly.

Omega sniffles against Hunter's shoulder, letting go of the ball to wrap her arms around his neck and cling to him a little tighter. He shifts her weight, hoisting her up as he stands. "She'll be fine," Hunter answers for her.

"I – uh got somethin' to show you," Wrecker suggests, looking at Omega hopefully. It's obvious that he's trying to find something to distract her with, and Hunter nods, giving him a small smile. "It's... at the Marauder," he adds.

... Oh.


Wrecker prepared her room? Already? This soon?

These changes are small now, but Hunter can't help but instinctively dread what might happen, what other things might come about. The future is uncertain, and having seen what he did of it, it only makes him more afraid.

"Well, come on, then," Hunter agrees.

He carries Omega back to the Marauder, Wrecker walking along beside him. He can hear the others – Echo, Tech, and Rex – following along behind, but not Crosshair. A part of him wants to turn back and ask his vod'ika to come, too, but... he can't deal with him and Omega at once. After what she just experienced, she needs calm and stability to settle herself a little.

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