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Author's Note: And this is the end! I can pretty much guarantee that it's not the end of their journey or story because the Empire WILL come looking for them, but it's the end of THIS story. :) Thank you all so, so much for your support! You have no idea how much it means to me to see how many people have enjoyed this fic! :D

I am not planning a sequel. I've done sequels to things in the past, and they're never as interesting to me as the first fic. Lol. I prefer doing things entirely new, so instead of a sequel, I'm... just gonna work on drafting my Imperial!Hunter fic which I'm planning to start releasing during S3 if y'all want something new to look forward to. ;) The title is Miles Away From Yesterday, and yes, it'll be a mammoth, but writing Hunter with his chip activated is SUCH a fascinating concept that I didn't get to explore in detail in here. So. ;)

~ Amina Gila

They decide to go to Pabu. It's a simple decision, really, since they were planning to go there in Hunter's time, and it's easiest to go to a place where the people were open and welcoming. It's rare for them to ever be treated as people by the natborns, but Phee and the others did there, and they – Hunter wants to be there, with people he can trust. He wants somewhere that will be safe for his squad, his family, somewhere where they can be free and happy and protected.

Once they've left Ryloth behind them and made the jump to hyperspace, Hunter pulls Wrecker aside to talk to him. Knowing how hard it had been for Wrecker in the past, after his chip activated on Bracca, he needs to make sure that he's okay this time, too, especially since it lasted for so much longer.

"Are you alright, after everything with... the chip and all?" he asks.

Wrecker nods, hardly even hesitating. "I – I'm not sure what was me, and what was the chip, either," he admits, "But I didn't hurt any of you. I'm fine."

"You can talk to me, if you're not," Hunter tells him, because it needs to be said. He owes Wrecker that much, and besides, they're brothers. Hunter will always look after his younger brothers. He'll always try to protect them.

"I will," he assures, reaching out to pat Hunter's shoulder.

"What's it like on Pabu?" Omega queries curiously once they rejoin the others.

"It's an island," Hunter answers, and he notices the way everyone else moves closer to hear. "There's a relatively small population there, and the people are good. They... They accepted us quite readily before. They didn't treat us like most natborns do." He pauses, glancing at Wrecker. "And they have plenty of food."

Crosshair snorts when Wrecker cheers.

"It'll be a very different kind of life than anything you're used to, but I think you'll like," he adds, looking between his siblings.

"Can I keep training with my bow?" Omega questions, hopefully, "And training, in general."

"Yes, of course," Hunter promises. "There's a lot of things you haven't learned, and before, Tech... designed lessons for you, so you'd catch up. Practical things. He taught you to fly the Marauder."

"She already can," Echo says, a hint of pride in his voice, and Tech looks scandalized.

"Do you know all the ship's specifications?" he asks, just as Hunter knew he would, and he laughs before he can stop himself.

"... No? But I know some of them!" Omega insists.

"Some isn't good enough," Tech huffs, already reaching for his datapad.

"Don't worry," Hunter says dryly, "In no time, you'll have everything memorized. Tech will see to it."

"We're not gonna stay there forever, are we?" Omega queries after a pause. "The clones still need our help."

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