ii. OH...

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     ANYONE WHO SET their eyes upon Silas Montague would immediately notice that ever since he could read, his deep blue eyes were always engrossed in mathematics books. His parents enrolled him in math abacus classes when he was just a child, undoubtedly contributing to his early fascination with numbers and his innate ability to comprehend them.

     While mathematics was a dreadful and complicated subject for other children, for Silas, it was always easy and enjoyable. At five years old, he could count up to a thousand, whereas his preschool peers barely knew three-digit numbers.

     By the age of six and a half, he had mastered two-digit division, and by the time he entered secondary school, Silas was already fully proficient in topics such as powers, factorization, trigonometric functions, radicals, and many other concepts typical of tenth grade.

     His father, at every gathering with friends or colleagues, boasted about Silas' intelligence. He wouldn't lie; this made Silas feel superior and validated.

     Despite excelling in the academic world and being an exemplary boy in his parents' eyes, Silas was the one who introduced Felix and Farleigh to their first taste of alcohol— the special reserve of his father, Sirius Montague, was the source of this discovery. Moreover, Silas offered them a try of a cigarette after pilfering three from his older brother.

     And while you could almost always find Silas engrossed in books with any mathematical prefix and the word 'advanced' or with the prefix 'theory' and the name of some genius on its cover, that day was different. Silas was reading none other than 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' at the incessant request of Felix and Venetia.

     He was in his bedroom, sprawled on his bed with his head hanging over the edge, facing upside down towards the door, of course. His eyes scanned the pages, and he had to admit the book had captured his attention, already being more than halfway through it despite only starting it the night before after bidding farewell to Felix and Farleigh in the latter's room.

     Silas had discarded his t-shirt and was only wearing corduroy shorts and fuzzy socks. While reading, he hummed a tune he had heard on the radio. And every now and then, he could hear murmurs from fellow students through the door.

     He averted his gaze from the book, looking towards the door upon hearing a specific knocking pattern, forming a small smile on his lips as he bit down on them, closing the book and swiftly turning over onto his stomach. "It's open," he said, resting his cheek on his palm.

     Silas looked at him expectantly as he entered the dorm room, closing it behind him and saw him sit down on the floor and lean his back against the bed with the confidence that characterized him. "I see you've indulged in the Harry Potter world," he chuckled, nodding at the copy behind Silas on the mattress.

     "You could say that," Silas chuckled. "So far I'm liking that Peeves mate, but tell me, what did I do to be blessed with your presence?" he said, quirking a brow.

     The boy looked at Silas with hooded eyes and a toothy smile, their faces particularly close due to their position. "What? Can't a mate pay you a visit?"

     "A mate?" Silas laughed loudly, his dimples deepening.

     The boy laughed too, it was impossible to not be infected by Silas' laugh. "Uhm, yeah, your lovely lovely mate," he leaned closer to Silas' smirking face, gazing down at his lips.

     "Mates don't look at me like you're looking at me right now, like you want to shag me," Silas said lowly, leaning even closer. "And... most importantly, mates don't snog behind their mates' backs, Farleigh."

     Farleigh Start exhaled in a chuckle, his warm breath making Silas shudder. "Guilty," Farleigh murmured with a smirk, heat creeping up Silas' ears and not only his ears; their lips were a mere centimeter apart, and suddenly, they were more than a meter apart after the door opened loudly, revealing none other than the remaining integrant of the golden trio, Felix Catton.

     "Annabelle is driving me nuts, she left her panties in my back pocket and then just left," Felix plopped down on Silas' desk chair and looked at Silas standing from his bed. "All okay, mate?" he asked the blonde.

     "Just a leg cramp," he lied, glancing by the corner of his eyes at Farleigh, who was now busy lighting a fag, containing his laugh, only looking at Felix.

     "Shit, that's a bummer," the Catton boy said with a frown. "She's fucking hot, mate," Felix continued, doing spins on Silas' chair. Silas hobbled lightly to his closet, hearing a snort from the curly-haired lad behind him. He rolled his eyes.

     Felix stood up while Silas had his back turned and kicked him on the shin he presumed he had the 'cramp'. "Yeah, fuck you, Felix," Silas choked.

     "You absolutely love me, Maximilian," he sang. Silas showed him his middle finger and glanced at Farleigh who was just blowing smoke rings into the space of the blonde's room. "I'm leaving, remember the Christmas party tonight," he heard Felix standing up and looking at his watch.

     "Sure," Farleigh muttered.

     "Yeah," Silas grabbed a shoe and threw it at Felix, but it only hit the door as the brunette left. "Fucking shit, now I've got an actual cramp."

     "And a boner," Farleigh pointed with his fag.

     "What?" Silas glanced down. "Oh.."

i feel like this is so roughly written i'm sorry, i promise next chapters will be better!

SILAS,           saltburnWhere stories live. Discover now