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christmas blur

SILAS LOVED PARTIES, relishing in drinking and dancing. Christmas held a special place for him — what could be better than drinking and dancing in a Christmas party?

Currently downing a he-doesn't-know-what-number-th shot while wearing a Christmas hat, Silas didn't even realize when his Santa Claus sweater got halfway undone. He couldn't care less as he danced, grinding against a girl he had no interest in – not that he had much interest in girls at all, but he was having fun nonetheless.

The song changed, and he excused himself, not remembering if it was Loren or Laura he was dancing with. He walked through the crowd, looking for his two best friends, Farleigh and Felix.

Amidst the sea of people, he couldn't spot Farleigh's mop of curly hair nor Felix's wavy locks. A hand tugged at the belt loop on the back of his jeans, and his back collided with a chest. Silas smirked to himself, turning to see Felix Catton, who whispered in his ear over the loud tunes, "I've been looking for you for ages, Silas. I've got you a present."

"You know you don't have to, Felix," Silas told him as Felix leaned closer to be at his height.

"Oh, that's bullshit. You say that every year and always end up getting Farleigh and me the most expensive thing you could think of, so this is a competition now," Felix laughed, his eyes narrowing, and his dimples deepening.

It was true; the Montague family had more money than they needed, rooted in prime real estate holdings and a longstanding business empire. Silas loved gifting things to his friends, even though the Catton's were grotesquely rich as well. And, he could spend whatever money he wanted and it wouldn't even scratch the Montague patrimony.

The thing is, Silas loved to buy people he loved things, even if the Catton's were grotesquely rich as well, he loved gifting things to Farleigh, Felix and Venetia.

He felt full inside every time he saw the white gold and diamond love necklaces peek up from the collar of Felix's linen shirts or Farleigh's sweaters. Or when the sun reflected a kaleidoscope through Venetia's Etincelle de Cartier ring.

Felix tugged at Silas' arm, guiding him through the sea of people to the hallway. Silas felt as if he was walking in a zigzag line just behind Felix, who looked back to make sure Silas hadn't tripped.

Around three thirty-six in the morning, Felix less drunk like Silas, fumbled with his dorm room keys. Silas leaned against the wall, staring at Felix's brow stud. "Imagine if it got infected, and they had to chop your brow off," Silas slurred.

Felix pushed the door open with a laugh, Silas following behind and dropping himself on Felix's bed. Watching Felix close the door, Silas noticed him pulling out a blue and silver wrapping paper gift from the closet.

"I wonder what you got me," he mumbled smiling as Felix sat next to him on the mattress.

"Oh, you're gonna love it," Felix chuckled, handing Silas the wrapped present. Silas unwrapped it eagerly, resembling a kid, making Felix chuckle at his drunk eagerness.

Beneath the messily wrapped present lay a beige leather box. Silas' blue eyes twinkled as he raised his gaze with his mouth agape. "Shut up, you didn't!" he giggled in his drunken state.

Felix chuckled, an innocent look on his face, ruffling Silas' golden hair. "I did," the Catton boy grinned. "Open it."

Felix watched Silas intently as he opened the box, revealing a thick silver ring with shiny diamonds.

His attention on the Bvlgary ring was interrupted when a shiver ran along his whole body. The hairs on the nape of his neck stood, and he turned to Felix's window, feeling watched or spied on. The curtain covered almost all the window, leaving a small gap where he couldn't see much, but he thought no one was there.

Averting his gaze to Felix again, sudden tiredness invaded his body. Nevertheless, he smiled up at him. Felix took the box from Silas, taking out the ring from the cushion. "May I?" Felix exaggerated his accent and made a small reverence.

Silas rolled his eyes, extending his right hand. Felix slid the ring onto one of Silas' lean fingers. "Done. Merry Christmas, Maximilian," he grinned and his dimples deepened. "You know I love you, and this is just a small gesture I wanted to give you," Felix sighed with a smile, looking at the ring on Silas' hand. "Mom helped me choose it. I know you could buy thousands of these, but this one's special because I gifted it," he giggled. "And I got some engravings in it, making it ten times more special, just like you are to me, to us," Felix ranted with a smile, looking at Silas, only to find him soundly asleep, blonde hair sprawled on the brunette's pillow.

Felix could only smile fondly at the sight. "Merry Christmas, Silas."

"Fucking bloody and goddamn shit," Silas groaned into his pillow at the pounding in his head. "Oh my days, what did I drink last night, fuck," he sat up, cursing.

"You look like shit, mate," Felix's voice echoed, his face peeking out from the bathroom, his hair damp. "I mean no offense, but I think you drank more alcohol than you've had your whole life."

Rubbing his eyes, Silas asked, "What time is it?"

"Like six," Silas widened his eyes.

"Hell, I was in a coma," he chuckled and stretched as Felix exited his bathroom, already dressed in jeans and walking to his closet.

"Pretty much so. I had to check your pulse a few times to make sure you were alive," Felix joked. "Farleigh passed by, he said you looked like a Victorian child dying from the plague," he said, putting on a shirt.


"Take this," Felix handed Silas a bottle of water and a pill.

"Thanks," he took the pill and chugged down the bottle of water in five seconds.

"I'll be right back," Felix walked to the door, looking back at Silas, who placed his feet on the floor, stretching once again.

"I think I'm going to my dorm, have to take a shower," the blonde yawned and blinked a few times.

"Fine, I'll see you later, Maximilian," Felix took three long strides and harshly kissed Silas' head, to which Silas shoved him off because of the sensitivity of his head. Felix laughed and ruffled his hair.

"Fuck you, Catton," Silas groaned, massaging his temple.

Felix left the room, and as Silas went to put on his trainers, he felt again that same feeling he felt hours prior – a sensation of eyes drilled on him, scanning him. He whipped his head to the window and almost got whiplash, but much like hours ago, there was nothing.

He bit his lip, nibbling his piercing with his tongue. "I must be going crazy," he stood up.

i think this is pure filler?
i mean next chapter is going to the king's arms scene already but since i had a chapter showing a little bit of the dynamics with farleigh i wanted to do it with felix too.
i'm trying my best! sorry if the updates are slow but i just started uni today so, yeah.
thanks for reading too, already like 1k reads<3

SILAS,           saltburnWhere stories live. Discover now