viii. ALONE

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     SILAS ADORED DRESSING up, especially when he could slip into his meticulously tailored tuxedos and select the perfect cufflinks.

     While he appreciated the comfort of his everyday jeans or shorts paired with Converse sneakers or linen button-ups, it was the elegance and refinement of his tuxedos that made him feel truly polished and sophisticated, a feeling he savored during every dinner in Saltburn.

     He was seated between Felix on his left and Venetia on his right, with Pamela across from him, Oliver to her right, and Farleigh to her left. Silas overheard Pamela as he quietly sipped his wine.

     "So far so good," Oliver responded.

     "I don't know what I'd do without Elspeth. She really saved me," the redhead continued, and Silas rolled his eyes as he placed his wineglass on the table to resume eating.

     "Don't harp on about it, Pamela darling. You know we're delighted to have you for however long it is you intend to stay," Elspeth responded, though Silas could tell it was an act.

     "Forever?" Farleigh asked sarcastically, causing Silas to snort, quickly covering it with a cough as he felt eyes on him.

     "Oh, no. No, I think I might have found somewhere, hopefully," Pamela said with a small smile.

     "Oh, well done, darling," Aunt Els responded in a chirpy tone laced with relief.

     "Oh, good," Sir James added.

     "That's rich coming from you, Pam," Silas interjected loudly enough for Pamela to hear, giving her a sarcastic smile. He really didn't like her. Pamela glanced at him with a hardened expression, and he raised his wineglass a bit.

     "My cousin...My cousin has a flat," she continued, looking at the blonde woman again.

     "Oh, that'll suit you very well, a nice little flat," Elspeth said happily.

     "It's more of a bedsit really..." Pamela sounded unsure now.

     Silas was paying attention to the conversation, but his focus halted when he felt a wandering hand on his left thigh – Felix Catton's hand.

     The blonde glanced at him from the corner of his eye, seeing the candlelight dance on his skin, but Felix wore an innocent expression, with a smirk threatening to spill. Nevertheless, he didn't even meet Silas' curious blue eyes.

     "I loved living in a bedsit in my 20s! It's so liberating to live all in one room," Elspeth said with feigned enthusiasm. "And much less cleaning to do! Oh, but it'll be terrible when you're gone! How will I cope?"

     Felix's hand continued to roam, creeping further between Silas's thighs. Silas sipped from his wine again and tried to discreetly swat Felix's hand away, but it didn't budge.

     "Well, I... I could stay for a little bit longer if—" the brunette ran a finger along his clothed shaft.

     "Oh no darling, no!" Elspeth interjected quickly. "You must be desperate to be rid of us and find your own place. I quite understand," she offered Pamela a smile.

     Silas glanced around the table, noticing Farleigh looking at him with furrowed brows and Oliver's blue eyes occasionally darting between the two Cattons and Silas. He thought he could handle Felix's nonsense until the brunette groped him harshly, causing Silas to stand abruptly from his chair. Everyone in the room, except one oblivious individual, took note of his sudden action.

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