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shadow watcher

     "YEAH, WELL YOU know Farleigh basically grew up with us," Felix started.

     "I didn't know you and Farleigh were cousins."

     "My aunt ran away to America when she was nineteen to get away from "the cold-hearted English," he took out a cigarette. "Ciggie?"

     "I don't smoke," Oliver responded.

     "She married a lunatic who pissed everything she had up the wall, and a fair chunk of Dad's money too, until he had to finally cut her off," Felix continued.

     "It sounds like an Evelyn Waugh novel."

     "You know, a lot of Waugh's characters are based on my family actually, oh, and the Montague's. Yeah, he was completely obsessed with my house... Well, Dad, you know, he felt so guilty about the whole thing that he decided he would pay for all of Farleigh's education."

     "Lucky Farleigh."

     "Fat lot of good it's done him. He's been expelled from almost every school in England for sucking off the teachers."

     Oliver laughs. "How about you?"

     "Oh, I've not sucked any teachers off," Oliver said and Felix laughed.

     "Not yet, you haven't.

     "And..." Oliver mused. "What about Silas?"

     "What about him?"

     "How did you two meet?"

     Felix licked his lips, a faint smile playing on his features. "Silas, I can't pinpoint the first time we met; it goes way back. Our mothers even attended college together, and Silas, along with his brother Silvan, grew up with us."

     "He seems a bit reserved," Oliver remarked.

     "Silas? Reserved?" Felix burst into laughter. "There's no such thing as 'reserved' when it comes to Silas," he continued. "Either he hasn't warmed up to you yet, or he doesn't fancy you much."

     Oliver listened quietly to Felix.

     "Silas hails from an outrageously wealthy old money family. The Montague's established their fortune in the early nineteenth century. His great-grandfather, some unknown number of times removed, started as a property manager, and two centuries later, they rival the Royal family in wealth," Felix explained. "They own residences in practically every city imaginable, and whether it's the brand of the clothes I'm wearing, the cars on the street, or your favorite soda, you'll likely find the Montague name among the investors of that company."

     "They're like, omnipresent."

     "Yeah, they're everywhere, but Ollie, let me tell you, Silas is an absolute love. Despite being this spoiled, human calculator kid, he has the purest heart I've ever seen. He can be fucking rude at times, but I love him, and everyone else does too. It's impossible not to."

     Even Oliver found himself starting to love Silas because of the pedestal everyone seemed to have him on, despite the blonde's cold and disdainful demeanor towards him.

     He craved to change that.

"Now can you just eenie meenie India and Annabel and take one home because they both look miserable," Oliver whispered as he sat next to Felix on the couch, the brunette chuckled.

"Eenie meenie minie mo. Catch a tiger by his toe. If he squeals, let him go," his finger landed on Annabelle, he grimaced. "You're out, boy scout," Oliver didn't comprehend when Felix pointed between India and Silas, who was chatting with Harry until he raised to his feet and made his way to the blonde.

Oliver stared with a dumbfounded expression between Felix's back and Silas' giggling and smoking self.

"What's up, big boy?" Silas looked up to his best friend as he took a drag of his fag.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Felix inquired and Silas glanced behind him and saw Oliver looking at him rather seriously.

Silas tilted his head but nodded nevertheless, with a confused expression on his face. He stood up and followed Felix to one of the hallways of the house's party they were in. "Your new best friend Ollie just glared at me as if I took away from him his favorite biscuit," he mocked and he took another drag, his lip piercing and blue eyes glistening in the dimly lit hallway.

"Are you jealous, Maximilian?" Felix teased walking closer to Silas who stood with his back leaned against the cold wall.

"That's your best joke of all time; I'm definitely not jealous of that new toy of yours," Silas scoffed, shifting his weight. Felix took a step closer to the blonde, Silas tilted his head up since Felix was taller than him. "What did you want to talk about anyway?"

They were closer now, so close Silas could actually see Felix perfectly even in the engulfing darkness. "That's the thing, I didn't want to talk," he said lowly.

Silas raised his brows and turned off the remaining of his fag against the wall and threw it to the floor. He dropped his gaze from Felix's brown eyes to his lips and then to the love necklace he gifted him peeking out from the opening of his unbuttoned button-up. The blonde raised his hand and touched the cold silver metal while a shiver ran through his spine for the thousandth time in the last few weeks; the feeling of being watched still haunted him since Christmas. But he ignored it for the thousandth time even if it unsettled him profoundly.

"Then what do you wanna do, charity worker?" Felix rolled his eyes and closed the gap between the two's lips.

Felix caged Silas against the wall as the blonde buried his hands in Felix's mop of brunette hair, their breaths mingling in the dimly lit hallway. Silas let out a low moan when he was pressed further against the cool wall, but it was silenced by Felix's tongue entering his mouth.

Silas would've stopped him, but he really didn't want to stop. He moved his tongue against Felix's as he tugged his locks.

Both boys were too busy in each other so either of them noticed a pair of blue eyes watching them from the shadows, the watcher, unseen, felt a mixture of awe and jealousy, their gaze lingering on the scene playing out in the hallway. Unbeknownst to Felix and Silas, the silent observer followed them as they stumbled further down the corridor, disappearing into the bathroom.

i love milking montages and creating drama

SILAS,           saltburnWhere stories live. Discover now