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     He became aware of that when he was just a kid because most good things happened for him in the summer when the sun was at its shiniest.

     The good thing that occurred to him this summer was Felix Catton, well it was a constant ever since he was little, but this time was different. Felix seemed... smitten with him, and that only made his heart skip a beat every now and then. But still, since he was pretty stubborn,  he didn't think he was head over heels for him like his brother said —it was probably true though, but he still had his whole life to figure it out.

     He felt bad for cutting Farleigh off, because they had whatever they had going on for a while now. He loved Farleigh, he truly did, but it was utterly platonic from his side and not to mention it was exhausting to swing to Farleigh's and Felix's sides without them suspecting he'd be sucking the curly haired boy off and later that day he'd be sucked off by Felix.

     Maybe he broke his promise a few days ago in the field but he was good at feigning amnesia.

     Silas' head was on Felix's lower belly as he laid between his legs on the lounge chair by the pool. Both boys were in their swimming trunks while Felix quietly read some of Silas' math books that he took from him a few minutes prior —of which he didn't understand a word— while Silas put his prescription glasses on and off seeing how blurry he saw without them.

     He heard Felix closing the book and sighing, one of his hands going to caress the blonde locks sprawled on his belly. "I still don't understand how anything that comes to numbers is easily understood by that little brain of yours, Maximilian," Felix chuckled.

     Silas chuckled too and finally left his glasses on top of his nose. "Me neither, being completely honest."

     "I remember I envied how easy math was to you when we were little, since you were a year older, every year I thought that when I got your age I'd be as intelligent as you," Felix said combing the blonde's hair with his fingers. "It never fucking happened."

     Silas, got lost in thought for a moment. "Fucking funny, fucking rich and fucking intelligent, what else could you ask for?" Silas laughed as he rolled over and now laid on his stomach, his forearms supporting his chin on Felix's abdomen. "Oh, I almost forgot, fucking hot too."

     Felix watched him, he truly observed him. How the daylight made his hair look like honey and how his blue eyes resembled the shade of the sky, how his skin started to show a faint tan and how his now visible freckles were splattered on his cheeks, nose and shoulders. Felix observed Silas, how those carey-rimmed glasses suited him so well, how every time he suppressed a smile his dimples came in display, how he blinked slowly and faster at certain times, how he almost felt thirteen again realizing that he maybe liked observing his older childhood best friend a lot and that maybe if he started exercising he'd gain his attention the next summer.

     Felix wasn't gay, he liked to think he wasn't even bisexual, because that implied liking men in general and he was pretty sure the only boy he has ever liked or seen that way was the blonde that laid on top of him in that very moment.

     His tongue itched to speak at the almost ethereal image in front of his eyes. "I fucking—"


     The brunette screwed his eyes shut for a moment and cursed under his breath at the newcomer. Felix's demeanor changed and his face hardened making Silas wonder, he wouldn't complain though.

SILAS,           saltburnWhere stories live. Discover now