vii. DÉJÀ VU

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déjà vu

THE LAST COUPLE of weeks had been eventful for Silas, he was once again at the top of his class, it didn't really impress him anymore but it made him puff his chest out in smugness every single time.

He no longer studied —he barely needed to, yet he was determined to graduate with Latin honors. He wanted to flaunt his diploma to anyone who crossed his path, just to reiterate that he was smarter than most — his 167 IQ certificate was proof of this.

Although he knew he should be humble, he found it hilarious to see his professors and tutors literally kissing his arse.

He also had gotten glasses, because at this age was that he realized he was blind as hell and now he was stuck with carey-rimmed glasses but H-fucking-D vision.

He had stopped hooking up with Farleigh, much to Farleigh's dismay and had gotten rather closer to Felix if that was even possible, and don't get him wrong, it wasn't like he was formal with either guy but he realized he appreciated their friendship too much to be fucking Felix at least three times a week and Farleigh on the weekends —he actually did that for a month and wondered how the hell they didn't suspect anything.

That's one thing Silas knew how to do — being a dick enough to pass by innocent, don't ask him how those adjectives can coexist in one body. Silas knew how to charm people. He was aware that his effortless smile and a tilt of his head could make people nod in agreement to whatever he said, without questioning.

But the most surprising thing so far was that he found himself sitting in the library of Saltburn Castle along with the Catton family waiting for none other than Oliver Quick.

How did that happen?

Silas was well aware of Felix's savior complex and his penchant for playing the charitable friend. He didn't mind Felix's previous 'make-a-wish' friends and even got along with some of them. However, with Oliver, it was different.

To him, there was something off about Oliver. It had nothing to do with his family or the fact that he was a scholarship boy; it was about his very essence.

The blonde felt an odd sensation coursing through his body every time Oliver was present. It was like a hunch, telling him that Oliver wasn't as harmless as he tried to appear.

"And both his parents were dealing. God, and his mother's a drunk. I mean, babies can be really affected. Traumatized," said lady Elspeth, or aunt Els as Silas called him ever since he could remember.

"Oh, they come out drunk," Pamela gossiped, a society beauty who's increasingly aware she has outstayed her welcome in the Saltburn castle.

"Is that right that he had to put his fingers down his mother's throat to make her sick?" the blonde woman asked Farleigh.

They currently were in the library, it was a brightly-colored, informal room and the place the Catton's spent most of their time. It had a huge television, bookshelves full of DVDs, and playstation, it sometimes felt at odds with the old-fashioned grandeur of the rest of the house. They currently were watching Superbad.

"Yeah," Farleigh responded, Silas was sitting next to him in the big loveseat sharing a fag as the curly head was on his laptop.

"Farleigh, that's private stuff," Felix glared from the floor.

"You literally told us," Silas said while billowing out smoke from his mouth, he already missed his lip piercing, but they'd be attending Elspeth's funeral if she saw his or Felix's brow studs. He hasn't taken off the nips though.

SILAS,           saltburnWhere stories live. Discover now