Swan Deku: Chapter 3, The Hero Commission, Getting New Merch, Appointments

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"Phone Calls Or Hero Calls"

🪶Hawks POV🪶

I Was On My Way to The Hero Safety Commission, They Had Called Me Earlier and Told Me About Izuku and His Quirk, Granted I Had Already Known Because Well, I'm The One That Saved him and Was/Are Training him. I Just Never Told Them and I'm Not Going to Unless It's the President's Ears Only. I'm Not Letting Them Take His Emotions Away and They Give him a Mask To put on for the Civilians Like They Did me, He's... He's Just to Innocent for that, and I Didn't want to Do that to Mrs. Midoriya.

I Land and Walk into the Building, as I Was Walking to Mrs. President's Office I Heard People Wispering, I Ignored it Until I Heard One of the staff "Do you think We Can Make the Kid with wings Like Hawks?" That Ruffled My Feathers, Literally.

They Stopped Wispering and Turned back to what they Where doing before.

I Went Over to The One That Wispered it and Leaned down Slightly and Said Quietly in Their ear "You didn't Think I Heard That?" I Asked Them Harshly and They Flinched "Y-Yes I Know you heard That" "And Why do you Think That I Would Agree with you On that?" I asked Them "W-Well The Kid is Like you So-" I Cut them Off By Grabbing them, and Making Them Look me in the eye. "You Listen, and you Listen Well Got it?" I said and They Nodded Quickly "If I Ever See you Near My Fletchling Without Mrs President's Permission Then You will be Dealing with a Predator and The President Won't Be able to stop me So, You Better Not Touch What's Mine, Got it?" I Demanded and They Nodded Quickly again and I Pulled away Releasing Them In the Process.

"Would Hawks Come to My Office" Ah... I Had Almost Forgot about the Meeting I Had With The President.

I Continued Walking To her Office And Realized What I Had Seid and Did and Thought Birdie, What are you doing to me? I Usually Have that Preditor Part Of me Locked away, as Per Request By the President Because Things Like What Happened Earlier Will Happen.

I Had Finally Got to her Office and Took a Second to Compose Myself again, Then Went in.

"Hey Mrs. President, How's It Going?" I asked A bit too Cheery For My liking and She seemed to Notice that and Said "Hawks You Can drop your mask and Just Be yourself here, It's just Us" She Replied and I Nodded, Grateful.

Mrs. President Basically Adopted me When I came into her care and She Let's Me be Myself When It's just Us like this.

I Let My Mask Slip and Sat down In a Chair That was In front of her Desk and Sighed

"Is Everything Alright Keigo?, Is Something the Matter?" She asked

I Streached My Wings Slightly and Settled them Again

"You Remember Calling me about Izuku? I asked

"Yes, I did Why?" She Replied, Confused

"Well, I Saved him From Killing himself and He got his quirk By almost dying When He Fell off a Building and all Might Left him there" I Said My Wings Twitching Slightly from Nerves.

"And you are Training him, Yes?" She asked

"Yes, When The Others Noticed him Because his Quirk is like me, You Called me to ask about him Right?, and Please don't tell The Others" I asked

She Nodded, Her Face Softening and She Asked "You like him, Don't you?"

I Looked up at the Ceiling and Regreted Coming in today, Damn even though She's(?) My Mother, It's Still Embarrassing to tell her

I Went to say "Yes" That I Like him But What Came out of my Mouth Was "Chirp!" I Crammed a Hand Over my Mouth and My Adopted Mother Laughed Quietly.

"I'm Guessing That's a Yes?" She asked Smiling at me, I Just Nodded

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