Swan Deku: Chapter 15, Victorious

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Location: Stadium Arena

“Ah! Could it be?”

As the dust continued to settle, a Flash of Golden Light Permeated though. As White Feathers Tinted Gold Gathered Behind The Figure, A Short Trench Was Created by the initial explosion that was Caused.

The Figure had A White Sword Stabbed into the Ground to Stay Slightly Up, He Would Have Crumbled to the Ground Otherwise.

He Was Thorally Exhausted and Had A Few Scrapes That Stayed as He Didn’t have Enough Energy to Heal Those.

The floor of the ring had come into view, cracked and full of debris. Eyes gazed at him in wonder, before sweeping over to the other side of the field. Todoroki had been thrown off and slammed against the metal doors that he had come out from, a fan of ice cushioning the blow and keeping him upright. Despite that, he was unconscious, head slumped forward.

For Midnight, back on the dias after the explosion had died down, the results were clear.

“Todoroki Shouto is out-of-bounds! Midoriya Izuku advances to the next round!”

Izuku Took his Sword Out of the ground and The longer Feather went back to his wings Before Folding on his Back, He Couldn’t Fly Right Now, But He Could Walk.

Amidst The applause of the Crowd in the Stadium and his friends, He Sighed in relief. Izuku Went Across the Field to todoroki’s Side, Walking Gingerly as Not Hurt himself Further While Picking him up and Taking him to his side, to Recovery Girls Office.

“And to end this mind-blowing match, is a show of sportsmanship that truly cements Midoriya as a shining example of what a hero-course student should be,” Present Mic said as the Green-haired teen disappeared into the darkness.


Once inside the bowels of the stadium, Midoriya walked Briskly to the Temporary Infirmary While He Shifted Todoroki to One arm to Knock on the Door, Before letting himself in.

The moment he was inside, he was greeted by an extremely exasperated Recovery Girl.

 “You just had to dive head-first into insanity, didn’t you, Midoriya? You couldn’t have done things the normal way?”

The teen shrugged, “You’re the third person to tell me that, but I don’t regret it.”

“Just put him on the bed, and let me check you over as well.”

He stepped over to an empty bed, and gently laid Todoroki down on it. He then approached Recovery Girl, and sat down on the stool in front of her. She planted a kiss on his forehead, and as the effects of her quirk began to settle, he felt rather drowsy from the drain in energy. From a container, Recovery Girl fished out half a dozen gummies, and dropped them into Midoriya’s palm.

(Izuku never had to get Healed until now by Recovery Girls quirk, Unless you count His battle with Bakugou)

“Eat them,” she told him simply, “You’ll need whatever energy for your next match.”

Izuku Nodded, He Threw The Gummies in his Mouth and Chewed them before swallowing them in one go. He felt some energy return to his body, but he still felt sluggish overall.

Bidding Recovery Girl farewell, Midoriya departed from the infirmary.


Location: Rei’s Hospital Room

Hawks Was Smiling So Widely That his Face hurt, But he didn’t Care, His (Soon-to-be Boyfriend) Had Won!

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