Chapter One

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I did it again. By mistake I ended up in the past again. It confuses me that I can even do this. That I have the power to unwilling go back in time.

I landed in a dark room. No light visible.

Filling my hands with light I begin to take in the sight around me.

A figure sits on a makeshift bed in the corner diagonal to me. A boy. Startled from my sudden appearance.

"Who are you?" The boy croaks. "And how did you get in here?" His face seemed to hold worry and pain but not for me. For him.

"My name is Athy. What's yours?" He stays quiet, eyes piercing through me.

I stand up, light still in my hand as I approach him.

"Turn it off." He says looking at the light.

"But I won't be able to see you." I look at his face once more before extinguishing the light.

Darkness covers us once more.

I sit again. This time against the edge of the makeshift bed. I wouldn't even call it a bed. It was more of a stab of wood with a blanket on top.

"Why are you in here?" I ask glancing at whatever I can make of his shape.

Silence falls on us once more. I release a sigh.

"If you don't talk. I won't be able to leave." I need to know how far back I went. Where in time am I?

After a minute he answers.

"My family locked me in here. I can't leave without their permission." He stops, taking in a breath. "I can only leave for one hour a day usually in the evening and once a week to see my mom." I frown at his words.

"What kind of family is that? I'm sorry that their like that. But what is your name?" I ask once more, wanting to change the subject. How can a child endure all of this?


"Azriel. That's a beautiful name. It's nice to meet you, Azriel." His name plays on my tongue as I try to get used to it.

"What are doing here?" His curious voice is the only emotion I've felt from him so far, other than fear.

"If I tell you, you have to keep it a secret"

"I will. I have no one to tell anyway." He mumbles.

I wish I could see his face. I want to comfort him so bad. Who would lock a child up like this?

"I'm from the future. My powers occasionally send me back to the past. At a random time, random place. Today it decided to be here. And I can't go home until my powers let me. So you're stuck with me for now."

He doesn't say anything, taking in the meaning of my words.

"How does it work? What powers do you have?" He finally says.

"I can control light. Sometimes my light can go so fast that it takes me to the past. What about you? Do you have any cool powers?" I'm curious to why he is locked up. Does he hold something that makes others afraid?

"I'm a shadowsinger." He whispers.

I whip my head to him, though I can't see anything. "What's that?" I've never heard of that word before.

"A person that can control the shadows at will." Control shadows? I've never heard of such a person.

"That's pretty amazing." I compliment him, though he doesn't reply. He's a quiet kid. "If it's alright with you can I turn my light back on? I want to see you."

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