Chapter Twenty-two

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Her frightened voice sounded from my side as I took a glimpse of her falling. She wasn't the only one that felt the fear, I did as well.

I knew I should have carried her back. The rain was too much for her to deal with as a beginner.

Without another thought, I soared after her. I frowned as I noticed that the tree line was far too close. Folding my wings, I used the wind to make me dive faster than her.

In less than a second, she was in my arms but it was too late.

My wings didn't have enough time to pull the two of us up so I turned, taking the impact instead of Athy.

My body hit the ground roughly, rolling down the wet grass. My arms, firmly gripped around Athy's body all throughout the collision.

The pain was excruciating, my wings feeling most of the impact.

Athy shakily lifts her head, her white hair now sodden. "Azriel? Azriel?" She lifts herself a bit to reach her hand to my cheek, scanning for anything hurting.

My arms stayed around her waist, still focused on the pain that was rushing through my body.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." She panics looking from my face to my wings. "Az, it's all my fault." Soft tears began to fall down her face, accompanying the rain drops.

I lift one arm to her face. "I'm fine, Athy, just a little bruised up. Are you okay? Your wings?"

"I'm okay, you took the blow for me." She says lifting herself off my chest. "Let me heal you. Your wings are all scratched up." She shifts to help me up.

The rain drooped her lashes as she tried to blink them away.

"We need to get out of the rain first." I take her help, standing up. "I know a place we can take shelter." A small limp accompanies me as I take a step through the forest. My right leg was hit from the landing.

"Let me help." She pulls closer to my side so she could help me walk. I let her as she arms wrapped around me, my arm draped over her shoulders.

Surprisingly, we got lucky with our landing. Being a spymaster means having safe places to recuperate during missions. Small cabins were laid out throughout the Night Court as well as some in the other courts.

Though I might still have strength to shadow travel, I don't want to risk it with Athy. And selfishly, this means I get to spend more time with her, just the two of us.

The cabin showed itself as the trees thinned out, the rain continuing to pellet us.

I throw the door open with my free arm, the darkness somewhat inviting.

From my side, Athy lit the opening chamber with her light. To the right was a couch and fireplace. The left had a kitchen with a small island.

For a cabin that isn't used often it was in good shape.

"I can walk from here, Athy." I say pulling away and stepping towards the couch. Nodding her head, she scans the room before walking to the fire place.

"How did you know that there was a cabin here?" She asks crouching down.

"These cabins were placed by me. It can be tiring to travel from place to place during spy missions."

She hums at my answer.

Firewood was neatly arranged by the side of the fireplace. Athy took the liberty to light the fire, slowly bringing warmth to the cabin.

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