Chapter Sixteen

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I spoke too soon, nothing is ever okay. They came out of nowhere, I didn't have enough time to produce any light. Like thieves in the night.

They swept us off our feet, gagged and tied us up.

You never really feel fear until you are face to face with it. My body shivered from the cold that bit at my exposed skin. My thin light blue nightgown did nothing to protect me.

The fear crawled up my body, I looked to my side to see Elain and Nesta in the same condition as me.

The guards dragged us along the stone floor, which is as cold as ice.

Four queens walked in front of us. I knew they should never have been trusted. I'm scared for myself, scared for my sisters.

What are they going to do to us?

My dress's hem is torn from how they are dragging up. The one handling me overpowers me so much that I can't escape. His hands are clasped on my hand, not letting me break through.

And even if I did break through I wouldn't know what to do. I've never fought in my entire life and I can't save my sisters before they have the chance to kill them.

The queens walk through the doubles, the guards follow after them, bringing us through.

I see a throne, someone sitting on it, a king. I then see Feyre, Cass, Rhys, and Mor. But a sight causes my breath to hitch.

Azriel. He had an arrow pierced through his chest. Mor and Cass held him up.

I scream at the sight—as best as I could through the gag. I tried so much to protect him and here he is, wounded. I try to escape the guard, to go to him. But I can't.

Tears fell down my tears from the fear I felt for everyone.

Azriel lifts his head, eyes lock on my tearful ones. I could feel his rage, but not even he could do anything.

There seems to be three more people in the room. Two Fae, a blonde and a red head. As well as a dark haired human. Why would a human be here?

Fear strikes Feyre's face as she sees us, her sisters in terrible condition.

They continue their conversation but I can't listen to anything. My body shakes next to Elain.

The king releases a powerful burst of power. It shreds Cass' wings as he guards Azriel. The tears soak my dirt stained dress and gag.


So much blood poured from Cass' wings.

I launch myself out of the guards grip, tripping over my dress, I tumble to the ground.

Azriel catches my eyes. "Don't." He whispers, fear crosses his face.

"If any of you interfere, the shadowsinger dies. Pity about the other brute's wings." The king says. "Ladies, eternity awaits. Prove to their Majesties the Cauldron is safe for ... strong-willed individuals."

That is when I notice the large bathtub in the center of the throne room.

The guards grab me again off the floor. One on each of my sides. I struggle against them, elbowing them in the sides. But it doesn't work. My hair covers my face as I look at the ground.

There is no hope.

Nesta still fights as she sees what is happening to me.

I yell against the gag, it loosens.

"Let me go!" I yell on the top of my lungs as they finally reach the Cauldron.

The king's eyes narrow at me.

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