Chapter Seven

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About a hour has passed since I met Azriel and I have just been staying in his tent. He seemed very worried if I did leave the tent, bad things will happen. And I do want to stay out of trouble so I do think it is best.

It's funny how the tables have turned. I'm the one that's trapped and he can freely roam. I thought I wouldn't see him again but maybe I meant I'll never see him in the present time. In the past, I keep getting drawn to him.

"Azriel! Are you in here?" My back straightens as I here someone outside. Not sure what to do, I hide in the corner of the tent, behind the table. I placed my hands over my mouth as the person entered the tent. Their loud footsteps echoed as they neared where I was hiding.

"I can sense that you're hiding there. What are you doing in Azriel's tent?" The voice asks, a male voice. I slowly lift my head from his shoes to see his face.

Purple eyes.

"Rhys?" I ask, unsure if it really is him.

His face frowns as he realizes who I am. "Athy? What are you doing here?" He holds out his hand to help me up.

I graciously take it, standing up to face him. "Remember that secret I said that was in between Azriel and me." He nods. "Well, that's what it is, a secret." I jokingly put my finger on my lips. "But what are you doing here, Rhys?"

Sighing he speaks, "I came to find Azriel but instead I found you. Has Azriel been hiding you this entire time? You know that the last time I saw you, he came back depressed. He wouldn't even eat."

My eyes go wide. Did I cause him that much much? "After that, he just kept muttering 'five hundred years'," Rhys continued.

I looked away knowing truly what happened. He's waiting five hundred years to see me, but doesn't he realize that it will never happen.

"Thank you for telling me, Rhys. I also have been worrying about Azriel. I was hoping that after that time, you and Cass would help him." I give him a warm smile.

"After that time, it only got worse, Athy. We were stupid kids that couldn't help but hate each other. We kind of made Azriel's life a living hell." Rhys scratches his neck at the embarrassment.

"You did what?!" I said a bit too loud, crossing my arms under my chest. He tortured Az after I left. I know that they are friends now, but I can't help but feel overprotective.

"It's all over now but we didn't get along. My mother was the one that had to stop all the fights," Rhys adds. "She had to beat us into submission in order for us to get along."

I let out a laugh imagining the sight, "I should thank your mother. She's a strong women to handle the three of you."

My laugh is cut off as Azriel makes his way into the tent, catching the sight of Rhys and I standing together.

"What are you doing here?" Azriel narrows his eyes on Rhys, making his way to me.

"I came to find you but found Athy instead." He states watching as Azriel steps a bit in front of me.

"Yeah, Rhys was telling me about how you three didn't stop fighting each other after I left." My arms were still crossed which emphasized my fake disappointment.

"Of course, they're idiots who don't understand defeat." Azriel says, making Rhys glare at him now.

"I'm pretty sure you are also an idiot who didn't understand." Rhys retorts back. It's odd that they look like adults, they act like children. I guess because Fae age differently, they are still in their youth. Even if they are in their late twenties, early thirties.

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