Chapter Thirty-five

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"Why are you here, Tamlin?" Kallias asks again.

"I am here to help you fight against Hybern."

"Bullshit," Cassian mutters. I somehow know that this won't end well.

Tamlin glowers at him. Cassian, folding his wings in neatly as he leans back in his chair once more, just offers a crooked grin in return.

"You will forgive us," Thesan interrupts gracefully, "if we are doubtful. And hesitant to share any plans."

"Even when I have information on Hybern's movements? Why do you think I invited them to the house? Into my lands?" He let out a low snarl, and says to Feyre, "I once told you I would fight against tyranny, against that sort of evil. Did you think you were enough to turn me from that?"

His teeth shine white as bone. "It was so easy for you to call me a monster, despite all I did for you, for your family." A sneer was sent toward Nesta and then me. "Yet you witnessed all that he did Under the Mountain, and still spread your legs for him. Fitting, I suppose. He whored for Amarantha for decades. Why shouldn't you be his whore in return?"

"Watch your mouth," Mor snaps. I'd have to agree with her. I never knew Fae language was so vulgar.

Tamlin ignores her and waves a hand toward Rhysand's wings. "I sometimes forget—what you are. Have the masks come off now, or is this another ploy?"

"You're beginning to become tedious, Tamlin," Helion says, propping his head on a hand. "Take your lovers' spat elsewhere and let the rest of us discuss this war."

"You'd be all too happy for war, considering how well you made out in the last one."

"No one says war can't be lucrative," Helion counters.

"Enough," Kallias says. "We have our opinions on how the conflict with Hybern should be dealt with. Are you here as an ally of Hybern or Prythian?"

"I stand against Hybern," Tamlin replies.

"Prove it," Helion urges.

Tamlin lifts his hand, and a stack of papers appear on the little table beside his chair. "Charts of armies, ammunition, caches of faebane ... Everything carefully gleaned these months."

"Noble as it sounds," Helion went on, "who is to say that information is correct—or that you aren't Hybern's agent, trying to mislead us?"

"Who is to say that Rhysand and his cronies are not agents of Hybern, all of this a ruse to get you to yield without realizing it?"

Nesta murmurs, "You can't be serious."

"If we need to ally against Hybern," Thesan says, "you are doing a good job of convincing us not to band together, Tamlin."

"I am simply warning you that they might present the guise of honesty and friendship, but the fact remains that he warmed Amarantha's bed for fifty years, and only worked against her when it seemed the tide was turning. I'm warning you that while he claims his own city was attacked by Hybern, they made off remarkably well—as if they'd been anticipating it.

Don't think he wouldn't sacrifice a few buildings and lesser faeries to lure you into an alliance, into thinking you had a common enemy. Why is it that only the Night Court got word about the attack on Adriata—and were the only ones to arrive in time to play savior?"

Tamlin sure has a grudge and its not getting us anywhere. It feels pointless for me to be here if we only speak of their lover's quarrel.

"They received word," a male from the Summer Court cut in coolly, Varian, "because I warned them of it."

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