Chapter Twenty-four

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I made my way into the House. Knowing Nesta, she'll most likely be in the library.

My assumption was right since I found Rhys, Cass and Feyre surrounding the determined beauty.

"And, again, why are you here?" At first I thought she spoke to me as I entered the chamber. But Nesta was aiming for someone else.

She snatches a book from Cassian, who was focused on her with his every being. These two were connected somehow. Could they be mates? Only Cass seems to be feeling anything. I feel sorry that he has to experience such harshness from her.

"I wanted to see you," Feyre says quietly, noticing my appearance from next to her. "See how you were doing."

"See if I've accepted my lot and found myself grateful for becoming one of them?"

"Nes, she really came to see if you're well." I add, hoping to help Feyre.

"Tell me if I look well, Athy. Out of all of us, you seem to be the one that is thriving the most." Her words are harsher than expected. There are few times that Nesta is rude to me. Usually I brush them off understanding that she was protecting herself.

But this time it's difficult because I know that she knows that this was difficult for me too. I hid that it was hard by being with Azriel or Cassian. They were a form of distraction but she didn't understand that.

Feyre did her best to be calm. "You're my sister. I watched them hurt you. I wanted to see if you were all right." She saves me from my sudden embarrassment.

A low, bitter laugh echoed from Nesta. "What do I care? I get to be young and beautiful forever, and I never have to go back to those sycophantic fools over the wall. I get to do as I wish, since apparently no one here has any regard for rules or manners or our traditions. Perhaps I should thank you for dragging me into this."

I gave Nesta a look of pity. Why does she continue to be so cruel even when Feyre is trying to help her?

Nesta snorts. "But it's not me you should be checking on. I had as little at stake on the other side of the wall as I do here. She will not leave her room. She will not stop crying. She will not eat, or sleep, or drink."

I bowed my head, knowing that every word was true. No matter what I did Elain didn't seem to get better.

Rhys's jaw clenches. "I have asked you over and over if you needed—"

"Why should I allow any of you"—the last word was shot at Cassian with as much venom as a pit viper—"to get near her? It is no one's business but our own."

"Elain's mate is here," Feyre cuts in. It feels like I'm only here for decoration. Even I don't have the power to sway Nesta like Elain does.

"He is no such thing to her," she snarls, marching forward towards us. It was a bit frightening. I know that I get easily scared but recently it has been one after the other. When will I get peace of mind? "If you bring that male anywhere near her, I'll—"

"You'll what?" Cassian croons, trailing Nesta at a casual pace as if hunting her. "You won't join me for practice, so you sure as hell aren't going to hold your own in a fight. You won't talk about your powers, so you certainly aren't going to be able to wield them. And you—"

"Shut your mouth," she snaps causing me to flinch a bit. "I told you to stay the hell away from me, and if you—"

"You come between a male and his mate, Nesta Archeron, and you're going to learn about the consequences the hard way."

"It's Elain's decision, Nesta." I voice up again, making sure to not make eye contact.

Feyre nods, adding in. "If Elain is not up for it, then she won't see him. I won't force the meeting on her. But he does wish to see her, Nesta. I'll ask on his behalf, but the decision will be hers."

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