Juliet Destiny and Romeo Destiny

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Hi guys! It's my first time to attempt writing a story in Wattpad and I did it for fun and partly boredom since it's summer in our country and there's not much anything else I can do. :) I created this story out of nowhere. It just popped up into my mind.

I know it's long to be considered as a prologue, but it just flowed in my mind again. anyways, enjoy reading the prologue and I hope this story will be known even for a little because it will make me truly happy.



A glooming peace this morning with it brings. 

The sun for sorrow will not show his head. 

Go hence to have more talk of these sad things. 

Some shall be pardoned, and some punished. 

For never was a story of more woe 

Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

A quiet and muffled sob escaped from my lips. I hadn't even realized I was holding myself from crying. For one reason: tragedies make me sad. Don't get me wrong, I love reading and watching stories but tragedies make my heart wrench.

Okay, let me get this straight. I am actually opposite from a sad and lonely person, in fact I have great friends and three lovely bestfriends whom I won't even trade for anything, a great family, and of course, the love of my life, Winnie, which is the coolest and cutest Chihuahua ever. But despite all of this, I am very well aware of others who regard me as a bitch. Well, I don't take a crap out of them. I mean I don't do anything wrong to them, right? Okay, maybe harassing the poor freshman guy for making my Chemistry homework (which in fact is not actually wrong! I mean come on, I'm just asking for help, besides, he's a smart little nerdy boy and I can't fail Chemistry), bitch-slapping every slut that came in my way and accusing me of putting slime in their locker (which, by the way, I actually did out of boredom), dumping every guy that I just had a make-out session with (which, I must say, is not entirely my fault. They creep me out when they were attached to me and I'm not leading them on), and picking my teachers whenever their backs were turned on me and making the class erupt in laughter then sending me in the detention or worse spacing out while staring at the monobrow of Principal Young, who is anything but young, while he is discussing for the nth time that I should be responsible of myself, act like a lady, and change my behavior.

But despite of all of this, I'm actually a lover of literature, arts, theatre, and alike. I greatly appreciate classical works like the one that I just finished reading for the ninth time since middle school, Romeo and Juliet. Ugh. I really hate the title contrary to the story. Why? I really don't wanna go there because it makes my blood boil whenever I reminisce the moments from some stupidity parts of my childhood.

If you're persistent to know, fine, I guess I'll open this story up again.

It was back in middle school, where kids my age were on the verge of understanding the universe and the life it has. My bestfriend back then was this boy that I really like. His family and mine were bestfriends, even now. They were close, that's why we were close. Even our birthdays, believe it or not, is not close enough, yeah note the sarcasm, for we share the same birth date. We are neighbours in this large village, even our houses were actually alike, inside and outside! And, note this cliché, our bedrooms and balconies were facing each other that whenever we want to play, he or I will just cross the balcony thru the tree outside. Typical, huh? Anyway, our parents and family - even our middle school friends! - convinced us that we are destined to each other and that we'll end up being a couple, marrying each other, having kids, die simultaneously, live happily ever after, yadda yadda! Making me think it right now, makes me just want to throw up.

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