The Female Lead in the Play

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I'm sorry it took me long to upload the second chapter. Anyway, it's now here! :)) Enjoy! :D


CHAPTER 2: The Female Lead in the Play


Thursday. One more day to go and it's party night again. Oh, I just wish everyday was Friday.

I drove my way to school while listening to the radio hitting Lazy Song by Bruno Mars. I'm not a music fan but this song fits my mood today. I just honestly want to lay in my bed.

Actually, I didn't get enough sleep ever since the school year started. Prank calling Bailey every four in the morning was certainly not a good thing for my health. But come on, her expression every morning is to die for. Her fuming rage was something I wouldn't get used to. I mean, it's so funny to talk to her when she's sleepy considering she's not a morning person.

I remembered our conversation earlier. When she asked me to check out her body before comparing her to a hippo, I was frozen. Did she just say that? 'Coz that really and seriously turned me on. Declan, stop your dirty thoughts around that woman! But I was thankful that it was still dark outside that she didn't saw my reaction and I got myself composed quickly.

What shocked me more was she knew that I was still a freaking virgin! Only the two idiots who I call my 'friends' knew that!

Yeah, I know what you think. Why does the biggest player in school a freaking virgin? And my answer answer was this, I know I'm not a girl to say this, considering I'm perfectly straight with hormones that I'm not yet ready to cast out, but I really am saving myself for the woman I'll fall in love for, the woman I'll marry and have a happy family. I know I'm a player, breaks girls' hearts, but my parents taught me that giving your first time for the one you'll marry was a memory both of you will cherish.

And you wonder why only my friends knew that and why others think that I slept with almost all the girl population in our school, hell, in our town? Well, I honestly have nothing to do about that. What I only knew was that those were just rumours. Those rumours were spread out by the girls, or sluts, to save their dignity and their reputations from the bad statements such as "The bad boy didn't do her? OMG! If I were her, I'll kill myself."


I pulled out in the school parking lot and began to walk inside the school, giving out my signature smirk to the girls that drool over me. This is me. And I love popularity.

Making my way to my locker, I saw my best friend Ace making out with his girlfriend, Libby, the bitch's other best friend. I wasn't against it nor did Bailey. But whenever they were together, Bailey and I were stuck on each other's company along with the rest of the group. We aren't a group, but because of those two, we spend time together to bond the two groups.

"Hey guys, wanna get a room before first period starts?" Obviously, they didn't hear me and still continue sucking off each other's faces.

"Libby!" Macy called her with excitement in her face. Behind her was Nate with the same expression on his face. Okay, something is going on between these two.

Libby turned to Macy with a glare but replaced with a questioning look once she saw her expression.

"What is going on?" Libby asked.

"You won't believe it. Nate just asked me to go out with him!" She squealed in delight.

"Really!? Your, as in, official now?!"

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