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" Tae , Tae , I found a movie "

" Ok I am coming "

Taehyun came to the living room and Beomgyu covered with blanket and a lot of snacks with him

" Let's not watch horror movie today . I found a romantic movie , do you have any problem ? "

" No , I am fine with it "

" Ok "

Beomgyu started the movie

" It's cold , come inside the blanket " Beomgyu said and came closer to Taehyun and covered him with blanket too

" Are you ok ? " Beomgyu asked

" Yeah "

The focused on the movie

An hour later

" Their chemistry is so good right ? " Beomgyu asked

" Yeah "

" Want some ? " Beomgyu asked while showing him chips

" No , you can have that "

" Just one " Beomgyu took a chip near Taehyun's mouth

" Say ah "

Taehyun opened his mouth and Beomgyu put the chips in his mouth .

" Good boy " Beomgyu patted Taehyun's head

Taehyun secretly smiled . Taehyun pulled Beomgyu closer waist making his eyes widened .

" I am cold " said Taehyun

" Should I bring another blanket for you ? "

" No it's ok . Just stay like this "

" Oh ok "

" Can feed me another chips ? "

" Yeah sure "


Taehyun felt something heavy on his shoulder . He saw Beomgyu fell asleep on his shoulder making him smile .
He turned off the T.V and picked up Beomgyu in bridal style .

He took him to his room and made him lay on the bed . He laid beside Beomgyu admiring his handsome face .

" He is so beautiful " Taehyun mumbled

Taehyun caressed Beomgyu's cheek and hugged him . He snuggled in Beomgyu's neck getting closer to him .


Beomgyu opened his eyes and saw he was in his room .

" When did I slept ? " He looked beside him and widened his eyes , Taehyun was so close to him , if he moves a little then their lips will touch . Beomgyu tried moving back but Taehyun pulled him in sleep and
their lips touched . Beomgyu froze on his spot feeling butterflies in his stomach .

He looked away from Taehyun , now Taehyun's lips were touching Beomgyu's ears . Taehyun wiggled his head a little finding warmth . He held Beomgyu more tightly while his lips were touching Beomgyu's neck , Beomgyu was just laying their like a statue .

" Gyu " Taehyun mumbled in his sleep . Beomgyu gulped feeling Taehyun's lips and his hot breathe on his neck .

" I have to get up or else I will be in problem "

Beomgyu felt Taehyun's grip loosing a bit , he took this chance and got up from bed and ran to bathroom .

" What if Taehyun gets to know that we kissed ? It wasn't an actual kiss but still it was a kiss "

" Will he think I am a pervert ? I stole his first kiss , if was my first kiss too . I should maintain distance with him , this will be good for both of us "

Beomgyu soon came out of the bathroom and saw Taehyun was awake .

" Y-You woke up ? " Asked Beomgyu

" Yeah " he said replied annoyingly as Beomgyu wasn't beside him .

Taehyun saw Beomgyu's face was red

" Gyu , are you alright ? "

" Ye-ah "

" But you don't look ok "

Taehyun got up and went near Beomgyu ,  as Taehyun was getting closer to Beomgyu he took a step behind . Beomgyu hit on the bathroom's door and Taehyun came near him being confused . As Taehyun got close to he closed his eyes tightly . Taehyun put his hand on Beomgyu's forehead checking his temperature .

" Your temperature is completely fine then why are you red ? Your face looks more red now . Why are you closing your eyes ? I won't kill you . Open your eyes and look at me "

Beomgyu opened his eyes and looked at Taehyun's boba eyes . Taehyun was staring at Beomgyu making Beomgyu weak . He took another step closer to Beomgyu trapping him between him and the door . Beomgyu started to blush more as Taehyun was so close to him . Beomgyu opened the bathroom's door and got inside it closing the door on Taehyun's face .

" What the heck Kang Taehyun ? What are you doing ? " Taehyun thought

Beomgyu looked in the mirror and saw his face which was red . He put his hands on his face .

" Choi Beomgyu you are really mad "

Beomgyu remember when Taehyun called him 'Kang Beomgyu' making him blush more

" You can't feel this way . He is just your friend and he is straight . Get in your sense " he slapped himself lightly .

Beomgyu took deep breaths and finally got out of the bathroom .

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