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Finally it's the day of divorce

Taehyun woke up before Beomgyu and hugged him tightly .

" I love you , I love you so much " said Taehyun with a little hope of Beomgyu being awake but he wasn't . Taehyun pecked Beomgyu's cheek and went to do his morning routine.


" Gyu , Gyu wake up " Taehyun shakes Beomgyu a little

" Hmm 5 minutes "

" Ah ok "

Taehyun went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast . After 10 minutes Taehyun again went to Beomgyu .

" Gyu , wake up . It's already 10 minutes . The lawyer will be here in about an hour "

Beomgyu opened his eyes and realised the day has finally arrived .

" I am going for shower " Beomgyu said without looking at Taehyun

" Ok "


They were eating their breakfast silently . No one had the courage to speak anything . They wanted to cry , stop everything that will be happening in few minutes .

" I wish he could love me " Beomgyu and Taehyun thought at the same time .


They were sitting in the living room silently and wanted the time to stop at this moment . They were in their thoughts when the bell rang making their heart beat fast .

" I-I will go and open the door " Taehyun said and went to open the door

" Good morning Mr. Kang " The lawyer greeted him

" What is good in this morning ?" Taehyun thought and let her enter inside the house

All of them sat on the couch

" Here are the divorce papers " The lawyers said and placed the papers on the table making them look at eachother

" I will go and bring the pen " Beomgyu was about to get up

" I have a pen " lawyer said

" Oh ok " Beomgyu sat back at his place and took the pen and started reading the papers . He wasn't really paying attention to the words . He put the papers back on the table .

Beomgyu took a deep breath and with shaky hands he finally signed the papers making his and Taehyun's heart broke into pieces . He gave the pen to the Taehyun and just signed the papers without even looking at them . The lawyer took the papers from them and put in her file .

" I will take my leave now " She said and left the house . Both of them were just sitting here .

" I-I guess this is the end " Taehyun said while gulping

" Yeah , I will go bring my luggage " Beomgyu said and went inside his room

" I love you so much " Taehyun whispered

Beomgyu came back from his room .

" I-I will go now " Said Beomgyu

" Wait "

Taehyun got up from the couch and went near Beomgyu

" T-Thanks for changing me into a bet-ter person . Thank you so much for making these six months beautiful . " Taehyun wanted to say many things but couldn't . He just hugged Beomgyu tightly and Beomgyu did the same

" You are the best person I met in my life . I never thought we would really become friends . Thank you so much for everything "

They hugged eachother more tightly not wanting to let go off eachother . They both slowly started pulling away  but their magnet necklace were attached . Beomgyu detach the necklace .

" The time has come " said Beomgyu

" Yeah "

" So , good bye my dear friend and my ex husband . It was great living with you . I will always remember you ." Said Beomgyu

" I will remember you too "

Beomgyu slowly started going towards the door but Taehyun pulled him and hugged him again

" I will miss you " Taehyun said with teary eyes

" I will miss you too " Beomgyu's voice cracked

They stayed like this for some moments

" Now let me go , I have to tell this to my parents too "  said Beomgyu

" O-ok "

Taehyun left Beomgyu and Beomgyu started walking to the door . Taehyun was hoping for Beomgyu to glance at him for the last time but he didn't . Beomgyu went out of the house without looking at Taehyun . As soon as Beomgyu left , Taehyun burst into tears and fell on the ground.

" I love you , I love you so much . I wish I could stop you " Taehyun cried

Beomgyu went to his while crying . He put his luggage in the car and got inside it but didn't drive . He cried inside the car . Soon he controlled himself from crying and drove to his house .

( I am sorry for this , I couldn't control my tears while writing . So , should after uploading , should I click on completed ? )

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