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At evening

"So where will we go tomorrow ? " Asked Beomgyu

" You decide "

" Umm let me think "

" I have a place to show you " Beomgyu exclaimed

" Where ? "

" I will tell you later . It's a kind of picnic spot that people don't really know and that's why I love it "

" It will be fun then "


The next day

Beomgyu came out of his room while rubbing his eyes .

" You are awake already ? " Beomgyu asked seeing Taehyun in the kitchen

" Yeah , I was making lunch for us "

" Lunch ? "

" Yeah , you said that you are taking me to a picnic spot so I thought to prepare lunch "

" That's so sweet of you " Beomgyu side hugged Taehyun

Taehyun patted Beomgyu's head

" I will miss .. a friend like you " said Beomgyu

Taehyun sighed hearing 'friend'

" I don't think I can make him fall for me " Taehyun thought being sad


" Is that place far ? "

" Just a little " Beomgyu said while driving

" You said that place is not known by many people , so how do you know it ? "

" Nice question "

" I always ask nice questions "

" I was from coming from a meeting , there were two ways a short one and a long one . So I thought to choose the long one and while coming from there my eyes fell on a lake so I thought to go there and after going there I felt so calm and relax . Whenever I feel sad or alone I go there and my mood always light up I don't know how "

" Wow , that's interesting "

" Yeah , and you are the first person whom I am taking there . It's a little secret of mine that I wanted to share with you "

Taehyun felt happy knowing that Beomgyu thought to share his secret with him . He haven't seen the place yet but it will be his favourite because it's Beomgyu's favourite.

" If I like that place then I am sure I will go there often "

" With whom ? Your girlfriend ? "

" Not again " Taehyun rolled his eyes

" I want to eat the lunch you made "

" Eat eat when we will reach there "

" I want to tell you one more thing , that place doesn't have anything interest . So you might feel bored there . If you feel bore there then tell me we can go to somewhere else "

" If I have your company then I won't feel bored "

" Yeah my motor mouth won't let you" Beomgyu laughed

Taehyun smiled


" Come fast " Beomgyu said while jumping

" Yeah yeah coming "

Taehyun closed the car door and Beomgyu intertwined his fingers with Taehyun's and they started walking.

" This place is so beautiful "

" We just entered here "

Taehyun could see there weren't many people here just 5 -6 .

" This lake is beautiful right ? "

" Yes "

" Let's go and sit there " Beomgyu pointed a little far .

" Ok "

They went to that spot

" Your choice is really good " said Taehyun

" I know "

They sat on the grass watching the beautiful place .

" I want to eat lunch "

" Ah ok , you can "

Beomgyu happily took the box and started eating

" Tae , say ah "

" Ah "

Beomgyu fed Taehyun and clapped happily like a child . Taehyun patted his hair .

" Aren't we acting like real lovey dovey couples ? "

" We are couple for 3 days more so let's just act like one " Taehyun said while looking into Beomgyu's eyes

After lunch

Taehyun was sitting , busy thinking something when Beomgyu put head Taehyun's laps

" Are you feeling sleepy ? " Asked Taehyun

" No , just wanted to lie down . Are you feeling uncomfortable ? Should I get up ? "

" No , you can lie down " Taehyun said while caressing Beomgyu's hair

After a long comfortable silence

" Gyu , what if we never thought about divorce ? "

" Then may be we wouldn't have been friends . And if we wouldn't have been friends then I am sure we would have been divorced "

" So , it's in our destiny to be seperated "

" I guess it is "

Beomgyu got up and sat straight but Taehyun moved closer to him and back hugged him while resting his chin on Beomgyu's shoulder . Beomgyu caress Taehyun's hands and lean back to Taehyun . Beomgyu planted a kiss on Taehyun's cheek making him shook but happy at the same time . He hugged Beomgyu tightly .

( Author : They are just so dumb , why don't they realise that they love eachother ? Stupid , dumb , idiots )

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