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Beomgyu press the bell multiple times .

" Who the hell is it ?! " Yeonjun opened the door annoyingly . Beomgyu immediately hugged him .

" Gyu , what happened ? " Yeonjun asked while rubbing Beomgyu's back.

Yeonjun saw Beomgyu's luggage .

" H-Hyung " Beomgyu cried

" Gyu , first come inside and sit down" Yeonjun took him to the living room with his luggage

" Who is it , Jun ? " Soobin asked while coming out

" Is he Beomgyu ? " Soobin asked

Yeonjun nodded but told him to be quiet . Soobin saw that Beomgyu is crying , so he went to bring water for him and give it to Yeonjun as Beomgyu might feel uncomfortable with him . Soobin left the room to give them privacy .

" Gyu , here have some water " Yeonjun said while giving him water .

" I-I am so-sorry for co-ming h-here , I didn't wa-nted to go to my hou-se"

" Gyu , have some water , stop crying and tell me what happened ? Did you had argument with Taehyun ? "

Beomgyu shook his head while drinking water .

" I-I and Taehyun g-got div-divorced "

" You got what ?! " Yeonjun shouted while standing up

" Divorced "

" How ? Why ? When ? "

Beomgyu explained Yeonjun everything from the start .

" No way this is real . You both had such a great chemistry . You both looked so in love "

" But we weren't , I am in love with him and he is straight but "

" But ? "

" But we both had that "

" Had what ? "

" We slept together "

" So what ? "

" Not that sleeping together the other one "

" But didn't you said he is straight "

" Yeah he is , but we did that "

" Then are you sure he is straight ? What if he likes you too ? "

" No we won't like me "

" Why ? You both weren't at good terms ? Or did he ever did anything to you ? "

" No , he never did that without my permission and we both were friends"

" Are you sure about friends ? You like him more than a friend , right ? What if he likes you more than a friend too ? "

" He won't hyung , he won't . I don't want to talk about it "

" It's ok , do you want to eat something ? "

" No I had breakfast "

" Then do you want to rest ? "

Beomgyu shook his head

" Then do you want to meet Soobin ?"

Beomgyu nodded his head vigorously making Yeonjun chuckle .

" Soobinie , can you come here ? " Yeonjun yelled

" Yeah coming "

Soobin came to the living room and Beomgyu bowed to him

" Hello , I am Choi Beomgyu "

" Hello , I am Choi Soobin " Soobin bowed back

" I am sorry for distributing both of you , I - "

" It's completely alright . Infact I wanted to meet you . Yeonjun talks a lot about you "

" Really hyung ? " Beomgyu asked to Yeonjun

" Yeah "

" I know you are his childhood bestfriend . He have told me a lot about your childhood stories "

Beomgyu giggled

" I wanted to ask , how did you both met ? "

" About a year ago , he and his group was performing somewhere and I happen to be there too . I saw him and found him cute . It's really difficult to find someone Asian in U.S , so I wanted to talk to him . After his performance I talked to him and then we became friends and eventually he both fell in love "

" Oh my God this is so good . I know Yeonjun hyung dance so well that anyone could get attracted to him . But hyung why didn't you told me about your relationship ? You both know eachother for a year and you never even mentioned anything about him "

" I wanted to tell you in person . Even you didn't told me about your marria-" Yeonjun stopped in between not wanting Beomgyu to remind about his marriage .

" I will make coffee for us " Yeonjun said and went to the kitchen


Taehyun was laying on Beomgyu's bed looking at the ceiling emotionlessly when his phone rang , it was his bestfriend Hueningkai .

" Hey Taehyun , how are you ? It's been so so long since we talked . How is your married life ? "

Taehyun closed his eyes

" Why are you silent ? " Asked Kai

" Can you come here please ? " Taehyun asked

Kai frowned at Taehyun's words

" Yeah sure "


As soon as Kai came inside Taehyun hugged him tightly and started crying again making Kai shock . He never saw Taehyun crying .

" Taehyun , what happened ? " Kai asked worriedly

" Beomgyu and I got divorced " Taehyun cried

" Why ? "

Taehyun explained everything to him .

" So ,you love him ? " Kai asked

Taehyun nodded

" You like a boy ? That's a miracle "

" But what the fuck should I do now ?"

" What can you do now ?  Try to forget him "

" How can I ? He is my first love "

" Then go talk to him "

" But he doesn't love me "

" Are you sure ? What if he loves you back ? "

" I don't think so "

" Then what will you do ? "

" May be wait for him ? "

" So , you want Beomgyu magically know that you love him ? "

" You are here to solve my problem or to increase it ? "

" You have to decide what you want to do "

" I can't "

" You have 2 options , go to him and tell him or just forget him and move on "

" I will choose the third option , I will wait for him "

" Oh God "

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