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Few months later

" Am I really looking good ? " Taehyun asked for nth number of time on the video call

" You are not meeting then for the first time "

" I am meeting them for the first time as your boyfriend "

" This guy " Beomgyu shook his head

" Just come fast "

" Yeah I am heading to the car "


Taehyun pressed the bell nervously . The opened revealing a smiling Beomgyu .

" Finally you came " Beomgyu hugged Taehyun

" Yeah I came without getting into an accident "

" Why would you get into an accident ? "

" Because I was and I am nervous "

" Now , come inside "

Beomgyu held Taehyun's wrist and took him inside the house .

" So , your boyfriend came ? " Mrs Choi asked

" Yeah he came , here " Beomgyu looked beside him but saw no one . He looked behind and saw Taehyun was standing behind him .

" Oh God this Guy " Beomgyu shook his head

Beomgyu grabbed Taehyun's hand brought him in the front . Taehyun quickly bowed to his Mrs. Choi  .

" Hello Mrs. Choi , I am Kang Taehyun . Beomgyu's boyfriend . Here this for you " Taehyun handed her the bouquet

" What ? Taehyun ? Oh my son , how are you ? " Mrs. Choi hugged Taehyun making him startled

" I am fine Mrs. Choi , wh- "

" Call me mom Taehyun "

A smile crept on Taehyun's face hearing that

" Oh Taehyun is that you ? " Mr Choi asked coming from behind

" Hello Mr. Choi " Taehyun bowed to him

" Why are you being so formal ? Just call us mom and dad "

Taehyun looked at Beomgyu and Beomgyu gave him ' I told you ' look .

" Come let's have lunch . I specially prepared it for you " said Mrs Choi


" Why don't you eat much ? You look weak than before . I will complaint about this to your mom " Mrs Choi scolded Taehyun while giving him rice

" Mom , that's a lot "

" I don't care , you have to finish it "

" Why don't you both shift together again ? You both will not feel lonely and you can take care of eachother too " Suggested Mr. Choi

" Yeah sure , we will " said Taehyun

Beomgyu held Taehyun's hand under the table and they both smiled at eachother .

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