一 ‚ away from a boring tale

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(Y/N) WALKED DOWN THE street. With a frown - she walked without interest in anything around her until she came to a halt infront of a store.

Turning her head towards it - she walked in without much thought, pushing the store doors open. She was met with the sight of stacked bookshelves that were all stacked with different kinds of books.

She stepped into the manga section and there was one particular manga that caught her attention. The cover had a man with pink hair.

"He looks pretty." she murmured, crouching down to grab the book and get a better look. A hum leaves her lips and she places it back down to search for the first volume.

"I guess I'll read it for him?" she whispered to herself, holding the first volume of the manga to her chest and walking towards the register.

She paid for it and left. Now she was walking down the street again, but this time with a subtle smile on her face.

(Y/n) glanced at the road with cars passing through and exhaled deeply.

Life was just as boring as before.

She walked back home, entering her home and greeting her mom and dad. Pushing the glass doors of her house open- a wide smile forms on her face. "Hi mom, hi dad!"

"Oh, you're happy today." her mom smiled as she began to set up the plates on the dinner table.

"Well, it's a saturday so...?" (Y/n) laughs nervously.

"Come here and let's have lunch." her dad then said and (Y/n) happily obliged. "Of course." she said in response and her dad pulled open the chair right beside his for her.

(Y/n) stared at her lunch before quickly getting out of her seat. "Please, uhm, excuse me, I'm not really hungry." she said before running up the stairs with te book in hand.

"(Y/n), you haven't even touched your food!" her mom yelled. A sigh left her lips once she received no further response.

"It's fine, dear." the father reassured her.

" the father reassured her

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𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐍 , Apollo × reader | RORWhere stories live. Discover now