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BUDDHA HAD COME TO the garden to visit frequently

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BUDDHA HAD COME TO the garden to visit frequently. He'd often complain when he came, but (Y/N) never showed up, and he complained about how long she made him wait just to not even go. He'd also often bring sweets and snacks, which he'd sometimes share with her.

It was all going well for (Y/N), It was all going well for (Y/N), but it seems what she scripted was going to ruin all of the peace she had.

She heard footsteps as she set down a picnic blanket and basket. For a minute, her breath caught as she heard a familiar yet unknown voice speak.

"Hey," the voice called out, and (Y/N) instantly grabbed the picnic basket previously on the carpet in her hand and flung the basket to where she heard the voice from without another thought.

(Y/N) caught a glimpse of pink hair and then the person with pink hair faded like thin air.

The basket landed infront of the light green haired god's feet. "Buddha," she called and he lightly raised a brow as he glanced at the basket and glanced at her.

"What happened here?" he asked, holding his popcorn bag against his chest. He was both curious and confused.

"I don't know." (Y/N) said in a low voice, not entirely sure about what happened herself.
Hearing that, he didn't think much of it.

Buddha bent down to pick up the basket and hold it with his other hand, but his other hand still held a tight grip on the popcorn bag. "Here ya go."

"Are we having a picnic?" he then asked as he watched (Y/N) set the basket down. "I'm having a picnic." she corrected and he chuckled once she said that.

"You can join me if you answer my questions." she says and he sits himself down on the picnic blanket. "You got snacks?" the light green haired man asked.

"Mhm," she answers. A hum leaves her lips as she stares into the sky. Her lips parted, and finally, she asked her first question.

"Do you know a god or a goddess with pink hair?" (Y/N) questioned, assuming that the one she encountered was a god.

"I think they had hazel eyes." she continued in a questioning tone, unsure about it herself.

"Apollo," Buddha responded after thinking about the answer in his head. He said the answer he concluded.


(Y/N)'s eyes go wide to a slight extent. In her (E/C) eyes, confusion was evident. She shook her head in denial, denying the other's conclusion.

"No way," she said in a low voice. "No, I'd recognize him if it was." (Y/N) added, sure of herself but Buddha shakes his head.

"From what I know, that should be him. Why do you even ask, petal?" he asked and she sighed.

(Y/N) turned her head to the side to avoid Buddha's gaze once he turned his head towards her. "Just curious," she said, and once she said that - the sun set.

She turned her head back towards Buddha after a minute and her eyes went wide when she found out all the food was finished. "Hey, I said share, not eat them all!" (Y/N) scolded and Buddha only burst into laughter at that.

 "Hey, I said share, not eat them all!" (Y/N) scolded and Buddha only burst into laughter at that

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I'm losing my mind.

Those were the only thoughts in (Y/N)'s head once Buddha had left and she had to returned to her village.

She remembered scripting this but did she really script that she'd have a small, cramped room that barely has any furniture? Well atleast it was clean.

"Apollo," (Y/N) whispered to herself as she got onto her bed and laid down on her back. A dissatisfied groan left her lips when both the bed and the pillow were as hard as a rock.

"My favorite character," she added. (Y/N) felt like something was wrong with her memory of Apollo. She remembers him but she can't seem to remember what he looked like, how he acted, and what he did. Did she really script this?

She turned to the left, her hair sprawled out on the bed. (Y/N) moved around to get into a comfortable position to eventually fall asleep.

Maybe she should just visit the garden and apologize? Would that fix everything? She did throw a basket at him. It was normal for her to make terrible first impressions but that one should be another level.

He dodged it. Isn't it okay?

 Isn't it okay?

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𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐍 , Apollo × reader | RORWhere stories live. Discover now