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(Y/N) RAN BACK home with a basket filled with a few fruits

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(Y/N) RAN BACK home with a basket filled with a few fruits. When did she get the time to pick them? Who knows? She randomly bumped into a place full of them while walking back home.

When she got back home, she gave the basket to the old lady and ran back to her room.

(Y/N) was surprised to find a beautiful hair comb on her run down bed. It looked like it didn't belong there. "Where is all this coming from?" She lightly raised a brow, inspecting the haircomb.

It was golden, clearly brand new, and had a floral theme. There were flower decorations on it and it looked really pretty if (Y/N) did say so herself. "Do I keep it?" her eyes looked around her room.

 "Do I keep it?" her eyes looked around her room

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EVERYDAY she received something new and fancy. Be it a new robe, a new comb, new jewelry, and maybe even food. Each day she received a new present, It would be something new and different everyday. Actually, it would specifically be something she wanted, needed, or wished for.

At first, (Y/N) wasn't suspicious of anything. However, the moment she received a sun brooch along with an elegant purple robe, she already had an assumption.

She came back to the garden and of course, she didn't find Buddha and instead found the man she was looking for. "There you are."

Apollo turned towards her, striking pink hair flowing with the cool breeze. "Hm?" he mumbled, acting clueless.

She shoved the comb against his chest, earning a surprised look from him. With wide eyes, Apollo took the comb from her hands.

A frown then slowly formed on his face. “Wouldn't a thanks have been better?” He tilted his head to the side.

Anyone could tell he was feigning sadness or was it genuine? Clearly not. “I don't understand what you're trying to do.” (Y/n) would respond to him, somewhat angry.

“I'm trying to help.” Apollo's frown turned into a small smile and he glanced at (Y/n)'s hand.

Apollo closed his eyes and beamed. “May I?” asked Apollo, leaving you even more confused. (Y/n) raised a brow at that, unable to hide her growing irritation as your expression exposes it.

Silent for a moment, she would answer. “Yeah?” (Y/n) answers in a questioning tone like she's unsure of her answer herself.

Apollo would let a few more moments in silence pass and he opened his eyes while he took a step forward. Hazel eyes not leaving hers, he took her hand gently.

Hazel eyes not leaving hers, he singlehandedly made her anger gradually disappear with one small touch she consented to.

Leaning closer and glancing down at her, his hair would flow ever so beautifully with the wind and (Y/n) would soon feel somewhat bewitched.

Speechless, (Y/n)'s eyes widen, followed with her raising a brow soon after he started to lean a bit too close. Apollo would have a cheeky smile on his face before he places the comb she returned to him on her hand. “Have it,” he hummed.

(Y/n) would instantly snap out of the trance he put her. “I want you to have it.” Apollo added, closing his eyes and giving her a grin.

He knows exactly what he's doing. Beauty was a weapon, this man was beautiful but why else did she like him again? “It's not necessary.”

(Y/n) flinched when Apollo's gloved hand found itself on her head, caressing her hair gently. Right eye twitching, she took a step back and leaned away from his touch.

Apollo took that as a sign to pull away, maybe not wanting her to feel discomfort. (Y/n) took a step back and raised her hand, throwing the comb at him.

He catched the comb swiftly without much effort and burst into laughter. “Since when were mortals this interesting?” Opening his eyes, he calmed himself down.

“Why do you insist on turning down a gift?” Apollo tilted his head, a sigh leaving his lips. He took a step forward towards her.

“If you don't like a comb, I can give you other stuff.” He continued and that would annoy (Y/n).

“What do you want?” (Y/n) asked bluntly, his intentions confused her and she just had to ask the question.

“A friend,” (Y/n) would instantly mentally facepalm at that answer.

She shook her head and turned the other way. “Please, just take the comb.” Apollo said, making the other tense up.

(Y/n) shook her head in disapproval and turned back around to face him, snatching the comb from his hand. She had a fierce look in her eyes and her hair swayed beautifully when she did that spin, causing Apollo to be caught off guard.

“I'll take it, so leave me alone.” She grumbled and turned back around and left. Apollo was left alone, thinking to himself.

Interesting, he'd think. Beautiful, he'd see. Wouldn't it be nice to have a friend like that?

(Y/n) would find herself confused. Faced with Apollo, she didn't squeal. He was her favorite character and yet somehow, her love for him didn't feel as strong now.

What was wrong? Anyway, this was starting to get more complicated. It might be her first time shifting but this didn't feel right at all. How could it possibly go wrong though?

(Y/n) held the comb in hand, for a moment, the comb looked like it was glowing.

Maybe Apollo wasn't bad and it was her who was thinking pessimisticly.



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𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐍 , Apollo × reader | RORWhere stories live. Discover now