二 ‚ shifting

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(Y/N)'S EYES opened

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(Y/N)'S EYES opened. A gasp left her lips once she found herself on the roof of an unfamiliar house. Her shaking hands were holding onto the railing and she was standing on her tippy toes as if she was going to jump off.

"What?" she moved her foot down on the ground and stepped away from the railing. With confusion - she looked around.

Her gaze then moved to her hands that looked the same as before. "Did I do it?" she asked, moving her hands back down and away from her field of sight.

She could see her long plain purple dress that reached below her knees and she stopped breathing for a moment. "I have..." a wide smile formed on her face until it faded once she realised she hadn't scripted this.

"Why the hell am I on a roof?" she asked herself before remembering she hadn't made a detailed scipt.

She looked around before walking down the building. (Y/n) then realized how broken it was. It had broken windows with shattered glass on the ground, no door, dirty walls and some parts of the house looked like it was falling off.

"(Y/n)!" a voice called and (Y/n) flinched. Watching as an old lady appears and stomps towards her, she froze. "Have you gone flower picking again? Didn't I tell you not to waste your time doing such things?" (Y/n) simply nodded, not knowing what to answer.

"No," (Y/n) stammered, trying to explain herself. "I was in that house-" she turned her body slightly to point at the house she had been in.

To interrupt her, she grabbed (Y/n) by the wrist. She placed a basket in her hand.

"Fine, if you really want to go and pick flowers again... go." the lady said and (Y/n) nodded, taking the basket and walking the other way or in other words - past that lady.

(Y/n) wasn't sure what exactly she was supposed to do, but she still went around to look for a nearby garden. And she wasn't disappointed in the slightest, the beauty of all the different colored flowers and the they're scent was all too magnificent.

"Mm," she hummed softly, crouching down to get a better look at the pink rose. She held it with one hand before jolting and pulling her hand away soon after. "Ouch, it pricked me."

(Y/n) moved her hand up to her line of sight and stared at her finger. She watched the small cut on her finger like she was waiting for something to happen.

A wave of confusion washes over her. "Did I not script that I could heal?" she blinked. A bewildered look was shown on her face while she stared at her scarred finger.

When she heard the sound of bushes rustling - only then did she look away. Standing up straight, she looked around. "Whose there?" (Y/n) asked, swallowing thickly.

No answer, she got no answer.

(Y/n) exhaled deeply before making another attempt to get another answer. She clenched her fist, and moved her gaze around. "Hello?"

"Sorry, did I scare ya?" asked a voice from a person that emerged from... somewhere?

Watching the man with light green hair that was styled into a bun walk towards her, she relaxed her previously tense shoulders. This man was obviously all too familiar.

"Buddha," she says out loud without even realizing it. Buddha nodded - biting down on the lollipop in his mouth. "I haven't seen you around here."

(Y/n) blinked twice, taking a moment to process the situation while Buddha looks around the garden. "I usually don't visit here."

"I see," Buddha hums. "What's your name?"

"(Y/n)," she gives him a short and simple answer as if she wanted the conversation to end right there.

Buddha's had a subtle smile on his face. "You're cool, petal."

(Y/n) who was previously glancing at the yellow tulip, glanced at Buddha after hearing the nickname he called her.

"Ya like flowers, am I right?" Buddha asked and (Y/n) nodded. "Then, I want to call you petal." Buddha put a hand to his hip.

"Oh, if you're comfortable with that." he hummed.

(Y/n) responded. "It's fine, you can call me that." after a moment of silence, she crouched down and took the yellow tulip in hand.

(Y/n) gave Buddha the tulip and a small smile formed on his face as he took it. "Here," she said.

"Thanks, I'll see you again." Buddha gladly took the yellow tulip in one hand. With his other hand, he placed a hand on your head and ruffled your hair a bit before disappearing.

"Buddha," she whispered. "So that's what it's like to meet him in person?" she tilted her head to the side as she talked to herself.

He's cool.

Note :please tell me someone getsthe reference with the yellow tulip

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Note :
please tell me someone gets
the reference with the yellow tulip...

𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐍 , Apollo × reader | RORWhere stories live. Discover now