六 , 'strawberry cake'

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(Y/N) took a step out the village and into the same garden she had always visited

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(Y/N) took a step out the village and into the same garden she had always visited. Met with the same cool refreshing breeze and magnificent flowers. It was the same comfort place she found Serene.

Kneeling down to take a better look at one of the flowers because it somehow seemed to be wilting. Suddenly, she heard the rustling of bushes.

Falling tense, her eyes scanned around for a moment once she heard the loud noise. "Buddha?" she called out his name, assuming it was him.

When a man with familiar light green hair stepped into view, she relaxed her shoulders and turned her atten towards the wilting flower.

She waited for him to speak but when a few more seconds passed and he didn't, only then did she grow nervous.

Slowly getting up, she flinched when she felt a hook against her throat. Shaking for a moment, she calmed herself down by clearing her throat. Did this garden attract assholes or what?

She has gotten to the latest volume of the manga so she knows who this is. Well, who doesn't? (Y/N) flinched when she heard laughter.

The hook loosened, moving itself away from her throat. (Y/N) quickly turned around to face whoever made that sound. Met with familiar green hair and eyes that mean all the ill intent in the world, her blood ran cold.

"Of course," (Y/N) murmured. It is him. Who else could it have been?

"So you're the mortal Buddha was talking nonstop about?" Loki smiled, feigning enthusiasm.

"I went through a lot of trouble to get here." Placing his hands behind his back, Loki took a step closer towards her.

(Y/N) leaned back, leaning away from him and when she blinked, Loki disappeared from her sight until she felt a hand poke her from behind.

(Y/N) was pushed forward and Loki appeared in view again, this time he was levitating or upside down. Right eye twitching instantly, (Y/N) raised her hand and slammed it against Loki's cheek.

Loki's eyes went wide and he paused, unmoving. (Y/N) blinked twice once she realized what she had done and pulled her hand away.

Loki let his feet land on the ground. Holding his cheek, a crazy grin appears on his face and anger was evident in his eyes.

"Hah..." Walking towards her, Loki's brows furrowed and anyone could sense his hostility towards the other. Summoning his dual chained locks, he moves them towards (Y/N) to which she dodges.

She dodged a couple of more times but ended up with scratches and that made her start to sweat.

Closing her eyes tightly, (Y/N) pictured her safeword and said it in her head. After a moment of silence, she opened one eye and gasped when she was met with the same hook practically reaching her at the speed of light.

Luckily, her instincts took over and she managed to stumble over to the side. "Strawberry cake!" She yelled her safe word, closing her eyes once more.

However, when she opened them, she wasn't met with home. Cursing internally, she braces herself for the hooks to slice her head off.

Slowly closing her eyes, she looked down and looked at the ground. (Y/N) felt a soft hand grab her waist and saw a faint golden glow.

Forgetting how to breathe due to the fear, she expected to feel pain but felt nothing. "Apologies," a familiar voice suddenly apologized.

Lips parting, (Y/N) quickly opened her eyes. Beside her was the personification of the sun itself, the person she quite literally tried to injure multiple times. "I hope you don't mind the touch." Apollo hummed, giving you a smile and moving his hand away from your hips.

"Loki, I believe you know that this is my garden." Apollo turned his attention towards the green-haired man.

(Y/N) stared at Apollo, getting a better look at him. Seeing Apollo's hair, it looked more messy than usual. He was wearing nothing but a white robe and he wasn't wearing his gloves.

(Y/N) blinked when she noticed a few waterdrops rolling down his face.

Did he just take a bath?

Loki raised his hands in defeat and chuckled. "I just had to see this girl for myself."

"Buddha was boosting about her being a rather cute human." Loki grinned. "And she has the god of the sun wrapped around her finger like an idiot."

"That's not a very beautiful thing to say." Apollo gave Loki a passive aggressive smile.

(Y/N) grabbed Apollo's arm to stop him from starting a fight and causing more trouble. "It's fine."

Apollo's eyes went wide before they gradually went back to normal. With a sigh, he wondered what was going on in the other's head and pulled his hand away. "Leave." He demanded, telling Loki to leave.

Loki only smiled, disappearing like the faint sound of the wind. Apollo had an angry look on his face while he turned towards the other quickly. "Let me see your wounds."

"It's fine," (Y/N) sighed deeply, turning away from him. Apollo frowned at that. "Your wounds will only get worse." He pointed out in reply.

(Y/N) had more stuff to worry about her wounds. Didn't her safe word not work? "I can take care of them myself." She proceeded to reject his offer once more.

Apollo would grow frustrated but would only sigh in defeat. "Then atleast let me get you Strawberry cake the next time I see you."

(Y/N) raised a brow at that. "Strawberry...cake?"

"You yelled it earlier." Apollo stated and (Y/N) would almost slap herself in the face. How could she tell him that it was a word she needs to use to bring her back to her original realty.

"You don't need to." (Y/n) swallowed thickly and turned on her heel as always. Left to his own thoughts, Apollo would sigh in disappointment.

"And you leave me yet again." Apollo couldn't help but feel disappointed. He had plenty of women with him, yet somehow he somewhat sought after you.

Looking around at his garden. "If I keep this place alive, will you visit often?" He whispered, asking under his breath.

He yearned for you.

A / Ndid i ever mention what the safeword was? oh well it's strawberry cake now lol! I'll try to update more often<33

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A / N
did i ever mention what the safeword was? oh well it's strawberry cake now lol! I'll try to update more often<33

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐍 , Apollo × reader | RORWhere stories live. Discover now