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Frisk: soooooo... Dorito knows huh?
Dipper: ugh yep, as if he would forgot that he's a all powerful dream Dorito
Frisk: so what do we do? Is he going to be a problem in our situation?
Dipper: nope, let him live the life of a human and see how it turns out, who knows? It could be entertaining
Wirt: whatever you do... Just make sure it doesn't ruin the plan... It was thanks to this risky move that we manage to keep it back for now but we need to find out how to stop and destroy it
Dipper: ugh I know, I know beast I'm trying, it's kinda hard to find something that has no record or information on the universe
Marco: he's right, I try to find a way to know what that thing is but it just seems like there's no knowing what it is
Frisk: ugh I ask some other allies to do some research for me too but no luck yet
Finn: i-its like... This thing just pop out of nowhere
Dipper: that's more dumber than Bills logics, everything has roots and source, there has to be something that knows what it- uhhh... Hmmm wiat I got a idea!
Frisk: shoot
Dipper: I'll go ask the Axolotl!
Frisk: the wha?!
Finn: umm... Who?
Wirt: you want to ask a fish?
Marco: how is that helping?
Dipper: no ya nut job! I'm talking about a time and space hod kind of axolotl! Me and Mable once met this thing in a- uhhhh time traveling shenanigans, basically this thing is pretty all powerful and knowing! It'll totally know what we're up against!
Frisk: sounds good but how are you going to meet the guy again?
Dipper: well I guess I could try how I did it last time, we were racing cars so fast we broke the fabric of time and space... Maybe that will work
Wirt: just try not to draw too munch attention to yourself, the last thing we need is people finding out our identity
Dipper: psssshhhhh no prob, we can just erase their memories, they won't remember a thing! I'll go time travelling and all that later, we got our normal lives problem going on right now, better head off before our family get suspicious
Marco: yeah your right, I better leave before Star loses Nacho again
Finn: i-i... Need to go find Jake...
Wirt: hmp... I'll leave as well
Frisk: I got a funny bone to take care of, so see ya'll later

Dipper: *sigh*
Mabel: yo bro you doing alright? You look kinda gloomy
Dipper: huh? Oh I'm fine, I guess I'm a little tired out without a cup of coffee today
Mabel: I told you to stop drinking those, their not good for you bro
Dipper: neither is drinking your Mabel juice
Mabel: hey! Mabel juice is what give me energy!
Dipper: and food poisoning
Mabel: that could've been grunkle Stan's, Stan cakes, you know how gross those are
Dipper: uh huh, well my first class is Science, you?
Mabel: mine is art class! I'm gonna show offy best project to everyone!! See you at lunch Dipper!
Dipper: see ya
Spark: psssh ain't that cute
Dipper: still pouting over the no power thing?
Spark: uh doi, I waited centuries to get it back! Only for it to be taken away by a human child!
Dipper: wow that sucks buddy, I wonder how humiliated you would be if you met him
Spark: ha! Like I will ever, from how I see it you deleted everyone's memories of me as a dream demon, so I doubt Sixer knows what I am
Dipper: nah I'm not talking about grunkle Ford
Spark: than who? Stanley?
Dipper: no tho he would definitely laugh at your face, no that's not who I'm talking about, I'm talking about the A X O T O T L
Spark: uh- how the fick do you know about that?!
Dipper: I met him once before this mess started, and he did give me quite the interesting clues and hints about you
Spark: grrr... What did he tell you huh?!
Dipper: he said and I quote " Sixty degrees that come with threes, watches from within birch trees, saw his own dimension burn, miss his home and cannot return, sais he's happy, he's a liar, blame the arson on the fire, if he wants to shirk the blame, he'll have to invoke my name, one way to absolve his crime, a different form a different time"
Spark: ugh... Don't tell me you know what it means
Dipper: I mean the poem itself is kinda self explanatory in some parts, I was a little puzzled at first but I understood now
Spark: fick
Dipper: hahahah relax there's no shame in a bit of trauma, besides you put all people of Gravity Falls in trauma so ofcourse you have some too, surprisingly
Spark: and why are you bringing him up exactly
Dipper: oh no reason, I'm just planning to give him a visit
Spark: a what?!
Dipper: yeah sience he's pretty all powerful and knowing, he must know something about the crises we're dealing with right now
Spark: absolutely not! You are not going to meet him!
Dipper: why not?
Spark: why- wha- you have MY powers with you!! Going to him with it is like the humiliation that Lucifer has to walk from hell to heaven to apologise to god!
Dipper: now that's a bit that I want to see but relax it'll be fine, he'll totally remember me, and I'll be in and out, besides I thought you were all powerful until now I found out your afraid of a giant salamander
Spark: you don't fucking get it! He's practically embodies everything that is logic and magic, he was what give me the powers and made me the way I am, and if some mortal just come right up to him with MY powers, it'll be humiliating!!
Dipper: wow, your number 1 enemy is actually humiliation huh?

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