This Is Gonna Suck

273 7 39

John B

"Man, I feel bad for her." Pope says, taking a soda out of the fridge.

I nod my head in agreement. That woman is head over heels for that boy. He's got her wrapped around his finger. She'd follow him through hell. She'd fight a caged tiger for him.

JJ on the other hand, would leave her for anything. I have a feeling he cares about her, though. I know deep down he has feelings for her. The only problem is, I think he'll figure it out when it's too late. When he loses her. When he breaks her heart. He's using her. He's using a girl. Finally, in a way that's not inhumane, but still bad. Poor girl fell so hard, I think she has a concussion. Her bones could be broken. Goddamnit, JJ.

"What do we do? We can't keep this up forever!" I yell, slapping a water bottle of the counter. I flies to the window. Water sprays everywhere.

"Shit." I mumble, grabbing a towel to wipe it up.

Then the devil walks in.

"Hey, man. What're you up to?" Pope asks him.

"Just got back fron my shift. I'm taking Kie out soon, though." He says with a smirk.

The fuck?

"1. Shift? 2. Why fuck with her like that? You and I both know this is gonna get you in trouble." I tell him, standing from where I cleaned.

"I work at that coffee shop now. Kie got me a job with her. Also, cash is cash. Need a lot of it." He says with a bigger smirk.

"Why can't you just treat her right?" Pope mumbles.

"What the fuck did you just say?" He says, turning back to Pope, getting all up in his face.

"Hey, cut it out." I say as I walk over. I get between them, pushing JJ back. "He's right. She's just a girl. A sweet one too. You got yourself a good one, and you're gonna fuck it up. You're gonna break that poor girls heart. You're gonna hurt her." I tell him.

He just scoffs, laughing. He pushes me into Pope, and walks to his room.

"Idiot." I mumble.


JJ -at the time of the date-

It's 2'o clock. Waiting for Kie. It's 2:10 and I'm still waiting. Where the fuck is she?

Why am I so worried about it?

I don't give a fuck.

Yes I do.

I see her walking up, and I'm quick to walk over to her.

"Hey, Kie." I greet her, putting my arm around her and get her into my truck.

"Hey!" She says with a happy smile.

The smile I saw when we were kids. Fuck. Did I actually make her that happy? I mean, it's not the first time I noticed that smile, but now that's all my minds focusing on. Ever since that run-in with John B and Pope, that's all I've thought about.

What does she say about me?

What have I said about her?

How different are the two?


John B -after JJ stormed off-

Pope and I moved to the balcony. We didn't want Mr. Anger Management in our space. I needed to clear my head anyways. The shit JJ does, ain't okay. I love the guy, but this is fucked up. How did we get stuck in JJ's one-sided love life? I can't with it! I bet he doesn't even realize? You can't do that to a girl. You just can't! My girlfriend would kill me! Lucky her, I'd never. No logical dude would.

"I don't wanna keep this up, John B." Pope said.

"Me either. He's making bank off of us. That's like $300 bucks a day with her. I can't keep that shit up!" I exclaim, throwing my head in my hands.

A familiar hand meets my back, and I turn. I see the love of my life, standing there with sympathetic eyes.

"JJ let me in. Are you guys talking about it?" Sarah whispers.

I nod, and so does Pope.

"Cleo's on her way. She knows too now. She's conflicted to tell her too." Sarah tells us.

We both nod.

"Tell her. She needs to know. She deserves to know! She gives that boy fucking everything! I haven't seen that girl take care of herself once! She's not healthy, and she probably won't be after this either!" Pope exclaims.

Cleo walks by us, agreeing silently with the nod of her head.

"I swear, that boy's gonna break her into millions. He was her first kiss, ya know? Man, he's gonna be her first for everything. Wrongfully so." Cleo said.

Then it hit me.

He's gonna be her first. Her first everything.


So help me God.


JJ -after storming away-

Whatever. They can't do anything about it. Honestly, I feel a little something for Kie. But I feel a lot stronger about the money. Although, sometimes I really worry about her. She drops everything to save my ass. She shouldn't.

But she does.

You can tell I'm her whole world. She was mine, but then she fucking left. Who fucking leaves? Why would you leave someone who needs you? Why would anyone do that? She deserves this shit. All the hell she put me through! She has no idea. None of em do!

JJ -on the date-


Kie doesn't look too good. 

I mean she looks fine as hell. But she looks pale and drained.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask. My hand drops to her thigh, gently squeezing it for comfort.

She blushes and nods.

I go alone with it, starting to drive.

Maybe she didn't deserve it.


Well! I'm back haha! Sorry for the wait! I just couldn't decide the direction of this! Someone helped me come up with this chapter idea! So, shoutout to Lis4UX

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