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"Pardon?! You're telling me you actually went to the Dwarfs' Mine in search of a magestone?" "Uh...? Yes?" you folded your arms and frowned a bit  "that's what you told us to do Mr. Crowley" "well I didn't expect that you'd seriously do it. And never in my wildest imaginings did I think you would actually return with a magestone! And here I spent all evening preparing your expulsion documents." 'are you serious..mr crow man you are on thin ice..'

"Are you serious?! While we were fightin' some crazy monster for you, you were expelling us?!" Crowley looked confused ""Monster"...?" "Yeah. There was a monster, all right. A big, nasty one. It nearly killed us!" Crowley looked at you for conformation and you just nodded "Would you kindly relate this story in full?"

time skip 

"Hmmm. So a mysterious monster was living in the mines. And the four of you worked together to destroy it, and then brought its magestone back to me?" you nodded "I don't know that I'd call it "working together."" ace said "It was more like we just happened to share the same goal at the same time..." you rolled your eyes and let out a playful sigh "boys" they both looked at you "what that supposed to mean N/n" they said at the same time. you just shrugged "Oh, gracious... Ohhh... Ohhhhhhhh! *Sobbing*" Crowley began sobbing "What is this guy's deal?! Burstin' into tears in public? At this age?!" 'i did not expect this at all' "In all the decades I've worked at this school...The day has finally come when the students of Night Raven College have joined hands together to defeat a common foe!" the boys looked horrified "Whoa! No! No way would I join hands with that guy!" "Okay, one, there was no joining of hands. Gross. And two, exactly HOW old are you, headmage?" you couldn't take it anymore those idiots are way to funny  "pfft...hahaha..I'm sorry, I'm sorry please continue sir" "At this moment, I am moved beyond words. This incident has proven my hopes were justified. Miss Y/n Vale, my doubts are allayed! For you... You possess the talents of a beastmaster!" 'honestly i prefer the term Seeker but okay'

"My students have all been selected by the Dark Mirror for their exceptional talent and potential. But great talent begets great pride and big egos. Most are so self-reliant and self-centered that they never even consider cooperating with others." you nodded 'this is why pride is one of the seven deathly sins' "You make it sound like that's a bad thing." "that because it kind of is Grim" "But you, miss Vale, do not posses our kind of magic. Yet in spite of that - or perhaps because of it - you were able to convince those who CAN use that magic to work together for a common goal. The everyday, humdrum mundanity you possess may be exactly what Night Raven College needs!" 'no i just have common sense ' "But... none of those words are good things?" You just shrugged.

"Miss Vale...I am convinced that people like you are necessary for the future of this school. My educator's intuition tells me so. Trappola, Spade - I hereby revoke your pending expulsions! Furthermore, Miss Vale ... I am granting you the qualifications necessary to attend at Night Raven College!" if you weren't awake before you sure as hell were now "WHAT?!" you all said at the same time. " Is that even possible i do not have the kind of magic you all uses "

"Of course. This is extraordinarily kind of me. However, there is one condition. Your inability to use our type of magic is, for a mage in this world, unacceptable. You would not be able to adequately pursue the school's curriculum! As for you, Grim... Your actions today have made it clear that you possess sufficient talent to become a mage. In light of the total sum of your respective circumstances, you and Miss Vale will share a single enrollment at Night Raven College. although you theoretical Quizzes and exams will be split. " you mouthed a thank you "Myah! I... I'll get to go to this school...? As an actual student? Not a janitor?!" Grim said with disbelieve "Correct. However! There must be no further incidents like the one that occurred today. Are we clear?" "Myah... Myah... Y/n, I... I finally..." you swooped in and picked Grim up and hugged him "you did it little buddy" "MYAAAAAH! I FINALLY DID IT!" you smiled at Grim "Accordingly, I will now present to Grim the magestone that is issued to every student here." "Heh! A magestone, eh?!" you put grim back on the ground "It is typically attached to the "magic pen" that each student uses. But I suspect your paws cannot handle implements. Therefore, I have a custom solution for you. Is it possible that I am, in fact, too kind?" 'you know what he let a monster in his school because i asked him too, yeah i will let him have this one'

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