reader and her spells

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Name: Y/N Vale (formerly Casterwill)

Gender: female


height: Y/H (personally I am like 1.73 m (5' 8 yes I had to look that up so if its wrong please let me know) Soi will be writing with that in mind so please bare with me)

Eyecolor: Y/E

Haircolor : Y/HC

Hairlength: Y/HL

occupation: Seeker

Everyday clothing

bit of backstory:

Y/n Vale .She was born a Casterwill and is the beloved bio daughter of Lucas Casterwill (thats why she can use Casterwill only spells)But because of a ''accident'' she was later adopted by Dante Vale and Zhalia Moon. Her aunt Sophie thought it was better that Dante Adopted her niece and change her last name to protect her from the people that caused her to loser her brother too soon and leave her with only her niece as direct family. Thanks to this, Sophie and Y/n have a very close bond as well as Y/n and dante. Y/n knows who her real family is but still prefers to call Dante dad and Zhalia Mom (with permission and a lot of talking). As soon as she could use spells and invoke titans she was in training initially it was so she could protect herself if something were to happen too the family but soon Y/n had the dream to not only become the best seeker her world has ever seenbut also to see the world though the perspective of a full fletched Seeker. So, the young girl trained a lot in all kinds of combat and spells. She was one of the best students the foundation had ever seen. So much that her aunt Sophie Casterwill entrusted her with thesecret Casterwill spells and techniques and secrets. She is also basically a puzzle master thanks to her uncle Lok Lambert. Y/n is also proficient in all types of wapons because, in her own words, "you can't always rely on spells."

"If you only focus on spells, you are basically useless if there is a timeyou cant use magic or invoke titans." thanks to that mentality and the persistence of the girl, the huntik foundation (that Dante is running) made a special course to traintheir seekers in all types of combat without their spells, causing the death rate to drop significantly.

Y/n has her spells memorized but has a little notebook with all the spells she knows about just in case she needs a spell she normally doesn't use.

she also has a Holotom i explain in the story what it does.

she also has a Holotom i explain in the story what it does

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Spells Y/n can use:

ArmorBrand: is a shielding spell that manifests as a spherical barrier of indigo energy to defend against enemy attacks

Augerfrost: The spell creates a sphere of blue, icy energy that can then be fired with great force at an enemy

Boltflare: is a basic spell that creates a sphere of orange energy. Althoughbasic, this spell is highly versatile and can be made to float aroundon its own or to be held in the hand of the caster.This spell canalso be used offensively to shoot a jet of magical fire at opponents or to disorient the opponents by temporarily blinding them. It is also capable of being used offensively due to being extremely hot(this spell will be used a lot)

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