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Midnight came around quicker than Rose had expected, and when she watched from behind one of the pillars in the dark Slytherin common room, she decided then and there that she would find out what kind of game they were all playing.

This inner circle of boys had the word suspicion written all over it, and with Tom leading at it's head, Rosalie suspected that it was more dangerous than anything else.

The boys walked silently out of the room, not saying a word to each other as they gathered. Tom left last, peeking around the room as he left, failing to check the right corner where Rosalie stood, watching and waiting.

As soon as the door made noise she came out from her hiding spot, keeping her feet light as she followed behind the boys, still not speaking a word as they walked knowingly through the dark and empty hallways of the school.

The longer that the silent walking went on, the more cult-like Rosalie thought the group to be. Tom did seem to fit the profile of a cult leader.

Eventually the pack stopped beside an empty wall, and Coriolanus looked around, trying to make it unnoticeable that it was Rose that he was looking for. At first, what Rosalie thought to be just her imagination, a door began to appear right beside them. The boys took no notice to it, and Coriolanus pointed at something down the other end of the hallway.

Rose took the opportunity as soon as it came, walking right passed them and into the room, barely closing the door behind her with the smallest fear that it would creak if she were too harsh with it.

Rose took a hiding place behind one of the sofas that was closed in closely to a wall, none of them were likely to get to close to her, but it was just within range to hear anything they were to speak about.

After another moment the group came in, only just beginning to speak when the door was closed and disappearing behind them. Rose smiled with amusement, thinking how brilliant the idea of a disappearing room was. She had never even thought of it.

Ben spoke first, with every motive he detailed her notes of incrimination only grew larger.

"I think we should address the issue of Grindelwald right now, my Lord." He said simply, Rose's blood ran cold at the mention of her last name. It ran even colder at the use of the word 'Lord.' None of them there were lords.

She could hear Coriolanus shuffle, and Tom sigh.

"I think it's the least of our problems actually. That oaf Dumbledore will be done with him soon enough. He can't have Grindelwald running around without tarnish on his name. It's an embarrassment for him." Tom explained poetically. Rosalie raised an eyebrow, hearing slander on her father was always interesting.

"You're right, my Lord." William responded to Tom.

So Tom was the Lord? Lord of what? Over them? Rosalie shivered, starting to understand that this was possibly darker than she had originally thought.

"Shouldn't we be thinking about the hor-" Coriolanus began to speak, however Tom interrupted quickly and harshly, venom coating his voice.

"No. Not today." He spat.

Tom rearranged himself in the chair he sat.

"It's a strange thing, loyalty." He began, as a warning and as a reminder. His voice spoke smooth and charismatically, a vast change from the demeanour he held before.

There was an uncomfortable silence coming from the other boys that even had Rosalie shivering. It was the kind of silence when you knew the torture was right around the corner. The moment they broke that silence, something worse was to come.

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