Twenty Two

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Giving in

  Rosalie stumbled through the darkness, her heart a heavy burden as she sought solace away from the chaos that had ensued in the mansion. The loud voices and bright lights faded away into the distance as she hurried towards the tranquil embrace of the lake. The sound of the water lapping against its shore welcomed her kindly.

  With each step, her mind spiralled further into her emotions. She found herself drawn to the waters edge, the familiar chill of the lake giving her a comfort amidst the thoughts that were consuming her.

  Sinking to the ground, Rosalie lowered herself onto the grass, her legs drawn up to her chest as she wrapped her arms around them, rocking herself with her own weight, she felt herself crumble.

  Tears couldn't seem to form in her eyes, she was alone without even the own sound of her cries to comfort her. Her heart pounded in bitter sweet confusion. 

  When she had left home, left her father, left her boring little life locked away studying, she never thought that this would be the outcome. Being so overwhelmed with every walk of life was something that confused her.

  Her body yearned for rest that would never come.

  So much had happened. She had made friends, made enemies, learned new things and learnt things about herself. There were some things, however, that she wish she had never become aware of. Loving someone. Losing someone. The tinging flame of betrayal and heartbreak.

  Her father had kept her away from all of that for a reason, she now saw.

  She had lost Corio as a friend, and became someone she couldn't talk to. But she had gained Lily in all the ways and more she had lost Corio.

  And then there was Tom. Sweet Tommy. Thomas Marvolo Riddle. Lord Voldemort. She couldn't keep up with it all; or perhaps she didn't want to. Somehow, Rosalie had fallen for the one person that she couldn't afford  to fall for.

  She had vowed to get away from the life Grindelwald had made for her, but she had seemingly traded one identical life for another. It somehow felt like betrayal; to herself, and her father. Even if she knew she owed him nothing.

  Rosalie curled herself further into a ball, closing her eyes as she listened to the sounds of the lake. In the midst of her own emotions, a gentle touch on her back startled her, causing her to flinch instinctively.

  Looking up through glassy eyes, she found herself locking gazes with Tom, his expression soft and tinged with confusion. It always seemed to be Tom interrupting her solace when she was upset.

  Always Tom.

  Despite her own stupefaction around him, she couldn't help but be struck by his beauty in that moment, the vulnerability that flickered in his eyes stirring something inside of her.

  He looked down at her, the most beautiful girl in the world, and for once, didn't know what to do. He usually had an answer for everything, but at seeing a crying angel with such confusion in her eyes, he was useless.

  Tom sat down beside her, his movements cautious as he kept his hands to himself, unsure of how to offer comfort in the face of her tears. For a moment, they sat in silence, the only sound the quiet sobs that escaped Rosalie's lips.

  Unable to fully understand the depth of her emotions, Tom watched her with a mixture of concern and curiosity, his brow furrowed in thought. He longed to understand what she was feeling, to offer her the solace she so desperately sought, but he knew that words alone could not erase the pain that lay on her heart.

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