● Chapter 28 ●

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Freddy paused his cleaning as he walked by the door of their bedroom and heard Bonnie speaking to Gregory.

He was baby-talking to the infant while the boy laughed and babbled incoherently in response. Freddy set down his broom and cracked the door open to peek inside.

Bonnie was sitting facing Gregory with his right leg hanging off the bed. The boy sat in front of him, waving a small wooden toy around.

Bonnie smiled at Freddy and gestured for him to come play with them. He readily agreed and knelt down by the bed to be at eye level with the baby, who now turned his attention to him.

He still could not believe he had a son now. His round, chubby cheeks, and innocent eyes filled him with so much joy.

He looked just like Bonnie. He had his beautiful eyes and his messy bangs. He was so full of energy and glee, just like his father. It was like a mini Bonnie looking back at him.

Gregory beamed in excitement. His mouth opened in a big smile, and he waved his toy around again at the sight of Freddy.

His giddines were contagious, and Freddy chuckled lightly, gesturing to his toy. "Can I have that?" He teased.

Gregory did not understand what that meant yet, but he was still happy Freddy was talking to him and bounced where he sat.

Freddy reached forward and tickled his sides playfully, causing the boy to laugh again and kick at him.

"Can I have that??" He repeated.

Gregory finally escaped his grasp and crawled over to Bonnie again, hugging his leg. The bunny giggled and lifted him onto his lap, holding him close.

"Aww, I'll protect you, honey~" He played along.

The boy glanced down and made a grabbing motion at the toy he had dropped on the bed. Bonnie passed it back to him, and he went back to chewing on the wooden peice.

Freddy sat on the bed with them. "Is it really safe for him to be chewing on wood like that...?" He asked in concern. Bonnie nodded, keeping his eyes on the boy.

"My mother did the same thing to us. It's good for his teeth." He gestured to the boy's mouth.

Freddy could see his small front teeth growing in. He was not familiar with baby bunnies, so he trusted his husband's judgment.

The boy suddenly dropped the toy and whined, shutting his eyes to cry. Bonnie cooed and craddled him in his arms to settle him.

"He's tired, most likely." Freddy pointed out. Bonnie nodded and passed the boy to him.

"He likes your fur." He joked. Freddy held him, and the boy immediately cuddled into his neck. The bear felt his heart melt and held him closer.

He wanted to protect Gregory the rest of his life. The boy could not even talk yet, and Freddy already loved him with all his heart.

Bonnie scooted forward and leaned on the other side of his chest contently.

"I like your fur, too."

Freddy smiled and pulled Bonnie closer, leaning down to kiss his temple.

"I love both of you so much..." His voice shook emotionally. The amount of joy he felt was overwhelming.


Soon, Gregory was saying his first words and taking his first steps.

He was growing so fast. Freddy could feel every moment with him slipping through his fingers.

He took for granted every time he had to fight with the boy to eat or take baths, and he took for granted all of the boy's silly questions and games.

He took for granted every morning he got to wake up with Bonnie by his side. Every time, his husband would play with their son and laugh with him.

He did not realize how much he would regret every time he would leave his family for months on end. He would regret every missed second he got to spend with them.

But the worst mistake he could have made was taking Bonnie for granted. Expecting Bonnie to just sit and wait patiently while Captain William threatened their livihood. He assumed Bonnie would just be fine after their long, aggressive fight about the letter.

And he assumed Bonnie would forget about the things he said during that fight.







It all happened so fast. Too fast for Freddy to apologize or to stop him. If he had just checked on Bonnie again, maybe it would not have gotten to this point.

There was nothing left of him. By the time Freddy arrived at the scene, he was gone. All that was left was his sash. Pinned to the lighthouse as a warning to them.


Freddy begrudgingly opened the door to his home again and plopped onto the kitchen table chair, leaning his head on his elbow.

He was trying so hard to keep it together until he heard quiet footsteps entering the room.

Gregory walked in with a worried look on his face.

"Where's dad...? Shouldn't he be back by now?"

Freddy had to fight himself not to break down right there. He took a deep, shaky breath and turned to the boy.

"Y-your dad is... not coming back for a while..." His voice shook.

Gregory's ears dropped. "What...? Where is he?!"

Freddy was about to tell him what happened, but he couldn't. The boy looked so hopeful. He did not want to spoil Gregory's innocence.

"He... he's on a long trip... I-I don't know when he'll be back..."

Gregory's eyes teared up as he stared in horror. "He... he doesn't love us anymore?!" He cried.

Freddy quickly knelt down to the boy and silenced him.

"D-don't say that! He loves us so much, Greg. He'll come back!"

The boy still broke into a fit of tears but nodded. Just when Freddy thought he could not feel any worse.

He lifted the boy in his arms and silently brought him back to his room. It was past his bedtime already, and he had stayed up waiting for Bonnie.

Freddy tucked him into bed and wiped off his face.

"W-will dad really come back...?" the boy asked hopefully.

Freddy had to bite his lip to keep himself from sobbing, but he nodded.

"He will, Gregory. Get some sleep now." He whispered, lightly kissing the boy's head. He wanted so badly to say sorry. To apologize for being the reason his son might grow up with only one parent, but he held his tongue.

"I love you, Greg..." He settled with instead.

The boy pulled the blanket over himself and held his stuffed toy tighter.

"I-I love you too, dad." His voice shook.

Freddy finally sat up and took the lantern from the side of the bed and left towards the door.

He glanced back at the boy one more time before blowing out the light and closing the door.



And that concludes the origin story. Let me know what you think so far, and the next and final book of the series will be out soon.

Thank you all so much for reading!!

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