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"God damn it!" I yelled. Currently, I'm lying face first on the floor with my pants around my knees. This is probably the 8th time this month I've tripped while putting on pants. Good job, Saku. You're so graceful..

"Sak-chan? Did you trip while changing again?"

"No Ryo! I just dropped... Um... I dropped some books?"

"Sure Sak-chan. Sure." Ryo chuckled emphasizing the 'u'.

"Sh-shut up! Don't question my clumsiness and can you drop the chan already!" I pouted.

"So you admit it Sak-chan?"

I attempted to reply but gave up as I cursed under my breath.

"Well, aren't you ladylike," Ryo stated sarcastically.

If it wasn't obvious enough, I'm that clumsy raven-haired introvert, Saku while the impatient brunette is Ryo, one of my closest friends.

Right now he's waiting for me to get ready. Well outside my room, of course. It's going to be my first day of high school. I'm going to Ouran Academy. To be honest, it's making me really anxious about it though... Sadly, Ryo isn't going there. He's just walking with me so I won't have anyone I know over there. Considering the school is huge. I'm what people call shy. Although that's besides the point, I should probably stand up now.

As I get up, I fix my loose striped sweater and black pants. Something seems off... Wait, I remember now! Sauntering towards my nightstand, I grab my beanie.

"Are you done yet?" Ryo whined as he goes into my room.

Putting my beanie on my short black hair, I sighed, "Yes, Ryo."

"Are you really going to wear your beanie? I know you like it and all but I know they wouldn't let you wear any sort of hat."

"I could probably convince them," I smirked.

"True, but I'm just saying Saku. You're going to stand out. I know you hate attracting a lot of attention."

"Ryo, I'm already going to stand out. I'll be the only person not wearing the uniform."

"I did ask if you wanted us to buy you a uniform. Besides that, there has been something wanting to ask to you for a while, Saku," Ryo said, looking at me.

"What did you want to ask me?" I cautiously asked.

"Why don't you get shirts that fit you properly? The ones you wear are too loose on you and make you look flatter than you already are," Ryo stated, trying not to burst out laughing.

Did he really just say that? Is he serious being serious right now? I slowly breathed out. "Ryo... I'm going to kill you!" I screamed as I run towards him. Seeing my reaction, Ryo suddenly runs out of my room laughing his butt off.

"You love me too much to do that, Sa-ku-chan," Ryo teased as he ran outside.

"In your dreams!" I retorted as I stopped to awkwardly put my shoes on and lock the door.

Noticing the limo outside my apartment, I stopped in my tracks.

"What's with the ride? I thought we were going to walk."

Ryo, who's already by the limo, turns toward me. "You were taking too long, so I called my dad and he send a limo." He answers.

"Ugh, ok. I'm still a bit tired anyway. You could've told me about this earlier, though." I groaned and went into the limo.

"We can walk tomorrow if you don't trip while getting ready again" He laughed.

"Sh-shut up already! You can't blame me," I whined.

Oh, did I forget to mention that Ryo's family is rich? I got sort of got used to this stuff about a few years ago, although I'd occasionally forget his family's fortune and reputation once in a while.

I beamed as soon as I saw Ryo's chauffeur, "Hey Nobuo-untensu! How have you been?". After knowing Ryo for years, I got to know some of the people that work for his family. Some of them are generally friendly people like Nobuo.

"Ah, Saku-san! It's been a while. I've gotten better. It'll take more than some flu to get rid of these old bones." Nobuo said, smiling.

"That's good. I wouldn't want anyone else driving this little butt hole around." I said, looking at Ryo.

"Whatever you say Sak-chan. Oh, Ouran was closer to your apartment than I thought. We're almost there"

As he said those words, I could feel the anxiety taking over. My eyes widen as I practically get slapped with my realization. I'm going to an elite private school where I know no one. I'm the only person there that doesn't have a filthy rich family. I'm not even wearing a uniform. I'm the odd one out.

"Sak-chan? Are you ok?" Ryo asked, tilting his head in confusion.

I slowly nodded my head while twirling a few strands of hair.

"Saku, don't worry. I'm pretty sure no- I know people over there will like you. You're sweet and intelligent. I bet boys are going to be surrounding you like moths to a flame." Ryo said, flashing me a big smile.

"Ryo. I don't want boys surrounding me like moths to a flame. I honestly don't understand why they do." I muttered, sweatdropping.

"Hey, look at that girl. She's pretty cute."

"Look at Ikehara. Why do guys like girls like her? Ugh. She pisses me off."

"She acts innocent and all that to get people to like her. I hate girls like her."

"What's with her cutesy act? How can guys not see through that?

"Hey. Did you hear? Subaru confessed to her. Why are they so blind?"

"Ikehara is alone again."

"Really? She'll be fine. Plenty of boys would hang out with her."

"I doubt that it'll happen in this kind of school though. Considering that they're practically going to think I'm just some kid that got lucky. Maybe, some people will be nice enough to become friends with me... I wouldn't care either way. I came to this school for a reason."

"Are you thinking about her?"

It was then that the limo stopped. No, I'm not ready. Why can't I wait just a little longer?

"Oh, we're here... Try sending other people that smile of yours! Good luck, shorty," Ryo beamed as he pats my head, trying to reassure me.

I sighed, then looked at the prestigious school known as Ouran Academy then back at Ryo. Getting out of the limo, I said, "See you soon Nobuo-untesu and I'll see you later, you snob." then stuck out my tongue at Ryo.

After another round of goodbyes, Ryo had to go. As I see the limo get smaller and smaller, my smile starts receding. So, I have to start over in a new school again. Sighing, I made sure my bangs aren't messed up and looked at the school, I mumbled, "Let's see if this school is as different as people say," and hesitantly walking in.

~~~~~~~~~~Author's note~~~~~~~~~~
Heeeeeyyyyy it's xFallen8 here ;P Sorry about this I'm absolutely horrible at author's notes, but it's not as bad as my summary XD So what do you think of the prologue? This is the first story I'm actually putting out there or truly writing so if you see any mistakes or have any criticism, please tell me. I mean like I need to put one of my billions of story ideas out there, but I do need to learn about changing certain things from them to help me get better. Hope you enjoy the story.

If there's mistakes in the grammar, please  just point it out. I'm currently typing this on my phone so I won't notice all of them. I'll most likely edit the ones I find later.

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