~Ch. 6~

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"Sak-chan, just let us put it on!"

"I know how to put on clothes. I don't need your help!" I yelled.

"Come on. Don't be like that," Kaoru pouted.

"Too bad. Can you get out now?" I smiled in a sickly sweet way.

"No thanks!" They beamed.

"You guys never give up now, do you?" I chuckled.

"Obviously," Hikaru stated.

"That doesn't mean I'll let you 'help' me though," I said as I grab the clothes and push them out.

"Nice try though." I smiled, then slammed the door on them.

It's finally a new year, so we're going to wear kimonos today. It's been quite a while since I've worn one. I changed into the kimono and clip that the twins let me borrow once again and looked in the mirror.

The kimono had a pastel mint green and like Honey's and Haruhi's kimonos it had a pink, red, and white flowery design. My haori was a light pink with a white flower design while the datejime was mainly white, but had red details.

I have to admit that this looks really cute, but I don't know if I could actually pull this off. Well, I guess I have to go to the others. It's not like I can stay for the rest of the day and skip my Host Club duties.

I faintly opened the door and peeked out, "What do you guys think?" I asked.

"We won't know how it looks like I'm you if we can barely see you, Saku," Haruhi stated.

"I'm sure you can s- Ah!" I screeched as I got poked on the side.

"So you're ticklish. I'll take a note of that," Hikaru smirked mischievously while he continues tickling me.

"Eek! St-Stop! Hikaru ple-please!" I laughed as I flailed around.

Once he stopped, I stood up and he gave me a thumbs up.

"You look fine," Kaoru approved.

"Saku-chan looks cute!" Honey beamed.

"U-um, thanks. Let's head out," I suggested.

"Yeah. We still need a bit of time to prepare after all,"

Eventually, we finished preparing everything and the customers finally arrived. Everyone did their usual thing, except there seemed to be more crying than usual. I was too tired to pay much attention though. I kept finding myself falling asleep and soon after I gave up and took a little nap.

"Aw, Saku-kun! He looks so cute in his kimono," Someone squealed.

"He looks even younger when he's sleeping and he looks just like a girl!" Someone else sighed.

What? There's people in my room? Ugh, can I just get some sleep? Why are they using he? Wait, I'm wearing a kimono? Suddenly, I heard a familiar camera click. Ryo?

"Wh-What? Grandma... Ryo? Can you wait a few minutes?" I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

"Kyoya-senpai! Can I have a copy of the picture?"

"Oh! He's waking up,"

"Of course, but not now, they'll be in a scrapbook that we'll sell in about a week so please be patient."

Now that I can see, I've found out what happened. I made a huge mistake. I fell asleep in the host club. Kyoya took a picture of me sleeping too! They're probably going to get mad at me... I need to just play along.

"U-Uh! I'm so sorry for sleeping! I didn't mean to fall asleep. I'm so so sorry," I apologized as I shed a few fake tears.

"No no no no! Saku, it's ok!"

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